DARAJA HOUSE Check out what we've been up to this month |
For those who are new to following us, Daraja House is a new facility that First Love is building here in Nairobi. The word daraja means bridge in Swahili. When our kids turn 18, Kenyan law requires them to leave the children's home. When completed, Daraja House will be a place where these teens will live and continue their education and learn to live life as independent adults. |
This is the first truss (of over 100) being lifted into place at the Daraja House construction site. Work began on the roof one month ago with a team of men from the USA alongside some of our high school boys and work men. Our Kenyan workers are continuing the work to get ready to install the clay roof tiles, seen stacked on the ground. Please continue reading to hear about the challenge at the end of this update. |
Our Apprentice Team Right now our kids are on their summer break from school. The high school boys helped work alongside the US work team for three weeks. They learned all about how the roof was going to be built. They worked on the ground helping to make the trusses. Hammering was fun but they seriously enjoyed using the nail gun! Others were up on the roof learning how to set the trusses and tie them all together. It was a great opportunity to build some valuable life skills and experience. John (left photo above with the red jacket) caught on quickly and would make a great carpenter with some additional training. |
Willing Helpers One morning recently, we took all of our kids over grade 4 to the construction site. We talked about when Daraja is finished next summer, some of the older teens would begin living there. They were excited to think about living in a new place and moving closer to being adults. |
Faith Like A Child Before the kids headed back to the children's home we had a time of prayer on the work site. Six of the kids prayed for the continuing construction. They prayed powerful prayers for the Lord to bring in the remaining funds needed to complete the next phases of work. |
Shares for Tiles The photo above is how Daraja House currently looks. After the remaining framing is finished and the corrugated iron sheets are installed, the last phase of the roof is to install the clay roof tiles. This will be a massive job which will take dozens of men to carry the 25,000 tiles to the roof. That's a huge amount! If they were all laid end-to-end they would stretch on for 7 miles! In their prayer time at the construction site, the children specifically asked for God to bring in people to help pay for the this huge amount of tiles. |
This is where you can help! Today we are kicking off a "Shares for Tiles" promotion where you can purchase tiles for $1 each to help us cover the cost of finishing the roof. Would you prayerfully consider making an investment in providing a home for our older kids to live. A large number of our kids are rapidly approaching their mid-teens and we would love to have Daraja House finished for them to move into when that time comes. Would you consider purchasing 100, 250, 500 or even 1,000 shares today? Just click on the button below and choose "Shares for Tiles". Thank You so much! | | |
If you would prefer to mail in your tax deductible donation, send your check to: First Love International Ministries PO Box 15836 Loves Park, IL 61132 Please write Shares for Tiles on the memo line so it gets counted toward this project. Thanks, Larry & Rhonda |