June! The seasons! They go round and round! How is everyone out there doing? So far so good over here! Last month for me had some very intense highs and some light sorrow showers. Visualizing my thought process as clouds/weather is such a valuable tool, weather is natural as are our emotions, and it moves through us, and then the morning comes. |
Getting ready to visit family soon and though I am excited to see my favorite brother (I have only one brother) and my mom, there is so much happening with me here! I have my classes at Hyperslow, Yoga Vibe West Hollywood, and the Desert Retreat coming up in October! I love my duties and sangha, so naturally, I feel some type of way when leaving town, even just for a few days. |
Last month I taught at Lightning in a Bottle, and a special thanks to all who came out. It was so nice to see a few familiar faces in the crowd. I had such a great experience, but if I am being completely honest there were matters of the heart that kept me from being fully present before my class. It is so hard to calm the inner beast when emotions take hold, and my mind makes up stories (movie of me), this is where practice comes in. This is why I practice. I am so thankful for my personal practice during these times, I also would like to shoutout the adrenaline released while teaching, truly a lifesaver and a way to zap you right into the present moment! Recently I've been seeking refuge in Zazen studies, particularly Suzuki Roshi Zen Mind Beginners Mind. |
"When you are practicing Zazen meditation do not try and stop your thinking. Let it stop by itself. If something comes into your mind, let it come in and let it go out. It will not stay long. When you try and stop your thinking, it means you are bothered by it. Do not be bothered by anything. It appears that the something comes from outside your mind, but actually it is only the waves of your mind and if you are not bothered by the waves, gradually they will become calmer and calmer...Many sensations come, many thoughts or images arise, but they are just waves from your own mind. Nothing comes from outside your own mind." This quote really helps me get a grip. The simple reminder that nothing comes from outside your own mind relaxes me. Sure the thoughts come without an invitation, but the thought is thinking itself, becoming mindful of the thought as merely thinking itself, there is no one behind it - it loses power and dissolves. |
The moment we've all been waiting for: Stick Figure Yogis!! |
Back to my regular schedule for now, to stay updated on when and where I am subbing follow my instagram! |
A Desert Retreat - Starship Landing October 10-14, 2019: I'm happy to share I'll be retreating again with JQ in October! We would love it if you joined us! |