Principles of Success Mantra "I am what I believe I am. I can be anything I believe I can be. Therefore, I choose to believe, that if I try my best in everything I do, I am going to have a successful and productive life." |
Executive Director's Corner |
Hello newsletter readers! I am happy to inform you that we have completed another successful program year wherein we recognized 35 young men who completed the program, at our culmination luncheon on December 16, 2017. The event was held at the Radisson Hotel at USC and was attended by approximately 180 people. Many pictures from the event are on our Facebook page for your viewing pleasure. I cannot express how exciting and fulfilling it has been for me to interact with the 2017 Principles of Success program participants on a monthly basis over the last eight months and to observe the personal growth and development of the group. I am confident that most of our participants see themselves as future leaders like the facilitators and mentors with whom they interacted during the program year. The comments made by five participants and two mothers of participants at the Culmination Luncheon confirmed my observations. An aspect of the Principles of Success program that has not been discussed extensively is the opportunity our program provides to participants to interact with other young men of color, all striving to accomplish great things in their lives. |
Several of the young men who made comments at the culmination luncheon stated that they had made “friends for life” during the program year. I am confident that positive peer pressure exerts as much influence on an individual as negative peer pressure. Accordingly, being a part of the 2017 Principles of Success class will serve as a positive force in the life of each participant for years to come. We are already planning for our 2018 program year and recently conducted one-day planning retreat/workshop held on January 27, 2018. This workshop provided our leadership with an opportunity to evaluate all aspects of the 2017 program and make adjustments/additions to our 2018 program, as needed. As you probably know, the primary focus of our program is young men of color who may not have his father present in his life and/or young men who might benefit from interaction and mentoring from our outstanding group of men volunteers. If you know of any such young men, please refer them to our website at The application period for the 2018 program year begins March 1, 2018. Don Dyer Executive Director |
Facilitator Insight Name: Julian B. Curry Profession: Commercial Real Estate Broker & Principal Education: B.S. in Business Marketing with Minor in Telecommunications (Indiana University - Bloomington, Kelley School of Business) |
Why I Volunteer: As a young man, I was fortunate to have an active, engaged, and hard-working father in my life. But equally as important to my development as a man were the men in my life, both related and unrelated, who offered additional support and confidence. Pastors, uncles, and teachers took the opportunity to consistently reinforce the example I had at home, in my father. Through those relationships and experiences, I realized an invaluable truth: Strong men are developed through a community of invested elders. For young men of color in America, that truth is essential for character development and ultimately success in life. As the father of two young African-American and Puerto Rican boys, my desire is to be invested in the lives of my sons and the sons of my community. Benefits of the Program: Two of the biggest benefits that participants gain from the Principles of Success Motivational Program are exposure and self-confidence. Throughout the course of the program, young men of color are introduced to a wide range of successful men of color, career paths, and life skills of which they were previously unaware. At each session, the young men are encouraged and challenged to grow their self-confidence via mantra recital, public speaking, and team building exercises. Once a participant becomes confident in himself and couples that with the spark of curiosity from exposure, then you see their heads held high and hear their dreams of impacting the world. You literally witness a physical and mental change that can only be attributed to active participation in the POS program. |
Parent Perspective Culmination with Gratitude and Thanks… |
Hello POS, Parents, and Friends, As the parent of a first-time participant in the Principles of Success Motivational Program, I am thankful and grateful that my son was able to experience a program that helps develop boys into young men. The POS Program has given my son and the other participants inspiring workshops and a brotherhood to last a lifetime. Over the duration of the program, I too learned the values of the principles discussed within the program and have likewise seen my son grow in these principles. My son recently started a club at his school called Scholars of Success. The club’s principles are Leadership, Academics, Communication, and Community Service. His goal for the program is to serve students who may face behavioral or academic challenges in the school environment. I am very proud to say the Principles of Success gave my son the motivation to develop this club at his school. The amazing mentors of the POS Program have shared their time, talent, compassion, and dedication to give back and model the principles of success to our sons. Their personal stories, life journeys, educational background, purpose, and success have left an imprint on the lives of our sons by encouraging them to attend college, strive for successful careers, and be strong family men. They have served our sons well and I am grateful that my son can call upon any of the mentors for assistance with life issues, education, networking, or any other concerns he may be experiencing in his life. It takes a village to raise a child, and I am glad to say that POS is a part of my village. |
To Mr. Dyer: I thank God for the vision He has given you, and thank you for your obedience to accept the purpose God has on your life which is to change the lives of young men for the better. Your willingness to be transparent and share your life experiences and wisdom is priceless and gives hope to our sons for a brighter future. You have instilled in and demonstrated to every young man how failures can lead to success, how to examine yourself to become better, and that their circumstances do not define who they are. I am so grateful that God has allowed you to continue the POS legacy because there are so many young men in our community who need the values shared by the Principles of Success program. On a spiritual note, the Principles of Success is a reflection of the Great Commission Jesus told his disciples in Matthew 28:16-20. "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Again Mr. Dyer, thank you for answering the commission of developing strong young men of color. Thank you for your dedication, support, and encouragement. From the 2017 POS participants and parents, we are truly grateful and thankful for your leadership. May God continue to bless you and your family. Many Blessings, Susan Jackson |
Principles of Success - Applications for 2018 |
We are excited to announce that the 2018 application period will begin March 1st. If you know of a young man who would benefit from participating in the Principles of Success Motivation Program, please encourage him and/or his parents to visit the website at for more information and to apply. Preference will be given to young men from single-parent households and/or those who face academic or other unique challenges. |
Words of Inspiration "The man who says he can, and the man who says he cannot, are both correct." Confucius |
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