This is our very first Christmas season living in a warm climate. Seeing pictures from back in Wisconsin of snow on the ground seems so foreign to us already. The timing of holidays really sneak up on us without leaves or snow falling. |
Since our FL kids leave to visit extended family in December, we have a big Christmas party before they head "up country" for holiday with their guardians. Here's some highlights of the big event. |
Dozens and Dozens of Christmas Cookies |
For two days our apartment turned into a cookie factory! To get ready for the big Christmas party, Rhonda made up a schedule so that all 95 kids were able to help with either making cookie dough, rolling-cutting-and-baking, or mixing frosting. They were all very excited to get to taste along the way and want it to become a tradition. |
To say that the kids wait eagerly all year for the Christmas Party is no understatement. One of their favorite things is the evening meal of Chicken & Chips (french fries). Early in the morning the cooks and older kids started preparing and cutting the 50 pounds of potatoes with our new chip cutter. They then cooked fries all afternoon! Earlier this year we purchased a BIG charcoal grill too. After getting the coals smokin' hot, Larry, Joshua and Zipporah started grilling. The 40 chickens were started on the grill, then Diana and the older girls (Catherine & Leanora) finished them off in the charcoal oven. The kids (and I'm sure the neighbors) were drooling over all the wonderful aromas. |
Merry Christmas to All... |
The kids and staff had a great evening of fun, great food, gifts, treats and more. As the evening began, each child walked the "runway" like a fashion show, all dressed up in their new outfits (Christmas gift) and then had their photo taken. They were next escorted to their table and continued cheering on everyone else as they entered the dining hall. Each person was served dinner by their table host (a high schooler). After dinner there was entertainment, speeches, and a short pageant by the younger kids. It was then finally time to eat the cookies they had baked at our home. Yes, the high schoolers tried to convince us to give each of them two cookies. Sorry, no luck on their part. Nice try though! Each child also received a gift bag that was prepared just for them by the First Love founders, Tom & Linda Clinton. The evening wrapped up way past bedtime, after much laughing, photos by the Christmas tree, too much candy, and many protests of "it's only 10:30. It's still early. Just a little longer, PLEASE!" Yep, just like in the US. |
An Adventure in Maasai Land |
Our First Love team was invited to come last Saturday to the Maasai homestead of our two girls Sianto & Noria (near the Tanzania border). Their family and community wanted to thank us for helping them with the girls. |
When we arrived, the men greeted us and guided us down a path near the family compound. Sianto & Noria were so excited to see everyone! The women met us part way and welcomed us with song and then continued singing while they led us to their home. |
When we arrived, they invited the men first and then the women into the home for chai. In the meantime, a group of men finished the details for us to enjoy a roasted goat served on a table made out of branches. |
Short, but heavy rains spoiled our opportunity to finish our meal outside. So we headed back into their home where they next served traditional blood soup. Larry drank a little, but when they weren't looking, traded his mug with Hezron's empty one. Rhonda, however, was willing to pay Emmanuel to drink hers. He politely refused. The girls kept asking Rhonda, "Isn't it sweet?" So, what's a girl to do, but drink fast... very fast! A bit later they served traditional Kenyan food, which was wonderful. |
By the time our meal was done the rains had stopped, so we headed outside for the program. Person after person expressed their gratitude for First Love's willingness to help the family by welcoming the girls into our family. They sang and danced and a pastor who is Maasai, spoke briefly. My (Rhonda) heart was overwhelmed to be able to listen to Maasai who are known warriors, worship Jehovah God. It was a taste of what I think heaven will be like... every tribe and nation before the throne of God! |
It was a privilege to meet some of Sianto & Noria's family. On the top left are the girls with their maternal grandmother (the mother of their late mom) and their father (in the plaid shirt), who is unfortunatly ill and unable to care for the girls. The girls presented every FL staff member with a Maasai shuka (wrap) and beaded necklace. We were also gifted a lamb to take home as a thank you. We presented the family with sacks of maize, beans and sukuma wiki (greens). This was one of my (Rhonda's) top 10 favorite days ever! So incredibly blessed! |
This will be our last update before the new year. We wanted to express how truly thankful we are for the many ways we have been blessed! We have... |
A brave family who sacrificially supported our “pack up and move across the world” life. An amazing sending church back “home”. Thank you Lakeland Community Church friends and staff. You have loved and supported us beautifully! Our prayer team who powerfully intercedes on our behalf. God has done amazing things and no doubt because of your fervent prayers. A faithful group of supporter who sacrificially partner with us here in Kenya! The First Love team. It’s a privilege to work along side each of you day in and day out! Internet, which allows us to Face Time, Skype, Face Book, email ... keeping us well connected to friends and family in the States and other places around the world. ...and so much more! |