JULY NEWSLETTER 七月活動快訊 Check out what we've been up to this month |
On June 18th, witnessed by family members, friends, devotees and venerables of the US Zen Institute, and the Thai Sangha, Bhikkhu Sagaraguno (Haide) was ordained at Wat Pasantidhamma, Carrollton VA. 六月十八號,在家人、朋友、美國禪學院的法師及信徒、以及泰國僧團的見證下,海德比丘於維州 Wat Pasantidhamma 出家。 |
Bhikkhu Sagaraguno 海德比丘 Bhikkhu Sagaraguno (Haide) was a tenured Associate Professor at the Department of Human Services and Sociology of Bethel University. He was ordained on 6/18 and became the newest monastic member at US Zen. May he inspire faith in the Buddha, propagates the Dhamma teachings, and benefits all beings as a field of merits. 海德比丘曾經為 Bethel 大學人類服務與社會學系終身副教授,他於 6/18 日出家,成為了美國禪學院僧團的最新一員,願法師能增長眾生對佛陀的信心、傳播正法、讓眾生廣種福田。 |
US Zen Summer Camp 美國禪學院夏令營 Last call for registration! From 7/09-15, there will be 7-day youth summer camp and adult meditation retreat at US Zen Institute. Please check out the www.uszen.org for registration. 最後通知!美國禪學院將在 7/09-15 舉辦七日兒童夏令營以及成人七日禪,有興趣的朋友們請到 www.uszen.org 註冊。 | | |
IBAA Study Circle 美國國際佛教協會 佛法座談會 On the evening of July 15, U.S. Zen will be hosting the IBAA Dhamma Study Circle, as an effort to unite Buddhist followers of different cultural backgrounds with presentation of pluralistic perspectives from various Buddhist traditions. All are welcome to participate! 七月十五日傍晚,美國禪學院將會主持 IBAA 佛法座談會,以來聯合諸多文化背景的佛教徒、交流諸多佛法傳統的觀點,歡迎大家踴躍參加。 |
Yogacarabhumi-sastra - Sravakabhumi 《瑜伽師地論‧聲聞地》 For two weekends in July, 7/21-23 & 7/28-30, Ven. Dhammadipa will be teaching the Sravakabhumi section of the Yogacara-bhumi-sastra at Chue Feng Foundation in Taiwan. For more information, please click the below button to find out. 法曜法師將在七月底的兩個周末,7/21-23 & 7/28-30,於北投覺風學院教導《瑜伽師地論‧聲聞地》,有興趣的朋友們請到點擊以下按鈕報名。 | | |
On August 19th, the master of Abbot Dhammadipa and the world-renowned Buddhist scholar, Ven. Professor Dhammajoti will give a short introductory seminiar on Sarvastivada Abdhidharma along with his disciples. The morning session will be in Chinese and the afternoon session in English. All are welcome to participate! 八月十九日,方丈法曜法師的師父以及佛學著名學者,法光法師與他的弟子們將在美國禪學院舉行一場研討會,簡單介紹說一切有部阿毘達磨,上午為中文課程,下午為英文課程,歡迎大家踴躍參加。 |
July/August Events At US Zen Institute 7/06.........."The Foundations of Buddhism" 7/09-15..Divine Abidings Samadhi Retreat 7/15..................IBAA Dharma Study Circle 8/19...........................Abhidharma Seminar 8/24.........."The Foundations of Buddhism" 8/26...........One-Day Meditation Workshop 8/31.........."The Foundations of Buddhism" Other Locations 7/21-23 & 7/28-30 Chue Feng Buddhist Foundation Sravakabhumi Seminar Click here to register |
七八月活動 於美國禪學院 7/06................英文佛法讀書會 佛法基本通 7/09-15.........................四無量心三昧 禪七 7/15.............美國國際佛教協會 佛法座談會 8/19................說一切有部阿毘達磨 研討會 8/24................英文佛法讀書會 佛法基本通 8/26..................................................一日禪 8/31................英文佛法讀書會 佛法基本通 其他地點 7/21-23 & 7/28-30 台北市北投 覺風學院 《瑜伽師地論‧聲聞地》講座 Click here to register |
6/17 at Wat Pasantidhamma, Carrollton, VA Keynote speech by Ven. Dr. Dhammadipa | 法曜法師 主題演講 Photo credit: Allen Tsaur |
6/17 at Wat Pasantidhamma, Carrollton, VA Meditation in the forest | 於樹林李禪修 Photo credit: Allen Tsaur |
6/18 at Wat Pasantidhamma, Carrollton, VA Sangha members before the Demarcation Ceremony | 結界儀式前僧團團體照 Photo credit: Wat Pasantidhamma |
6/18 at Wat Pasantidhamma, Carrollton, VA Venerables and laypeople of US Zen Institute | 美國禪學院法師以及信徒 |
6/18 at Wat Pasantidhamma, Carrollton, VA Ven Sagaraguno with his upajjhāya, Ajahn Thanat of Wat Thai DC, and Thai Sangha members who were assistants for the ordination ceremony 海德比丘、他的戒師 Ajahn Thanat (Wat Thai DC)、以及出家儀式的護持僧人。 Photo credit: Charles Lin |