Oregon Shipping group Newsletter the latest news from the oregon shipping group December 21, 2016 Issue 9 |
Favorable Business Oregon Report |
Key Findings from the Business Oregon Report: The report estimated that 38,170 40-foot containers are exported from the southern Willamette Valley per year and roughly 9,000 containers are imported into the southern Willamette Valley per year. However, the study did not have data on the number of processed agricultural product exports, non-agricultural product exports or domestic shipments in the southern Willamette Valley, so the actual size of the market is likely much larger. The study found that for shippers in the southern Willamette Valley, the cost of shipping goods through an intermodal facility in the southern Willamette Valley would likely be comparable in price to other options such as shipping containers to and from Seattle and Tacoma through Northwest Container Service’s Portland facility and would likely be less expensive than trucking containers to and from Seattle and Tacoma. According to the study, an intermodal facility in the southern Willamette Valley would likely need to start small at a volume of roughly 5,000 or more containers per year and scale up over time as service becomes established and attracts more customers. |
House Interim Committee On Transportation and Economic Development Watch the video of the Business Oregon report presentation given to the commitee on December 14, 2016. | | |
We are working with folks in the Lebanon area on a Lebanon Transload Facility. We are also working with legislators on both sides of the aisle to pass our legislation for the Oregon Trade and Shipping Development Act. During the legislative days we had several meetings with legislators who were optimistic about sucess for our work. This does not mean that we believe the bill will pass as we have written it. But we have significant support on our ideas in the bill. The Legislature must act to address the lack of container shipping at Terminal 6 at the Port of Portland. |
Our Oregon Shipping Group will be paying close attention to Oregon infrastructure projects which will enhance the state's capability to move freight into, through, and out of Oregon. If there are projects of major significance to you or your business, please bring them to our attention. Click the link below to find how "the maritime sector in Oregon has delievered big economic returns." | | |
We now have a Legislative Counsel draft of our legislation to create a public corporation known as the Oregon Shipping Authority. One unique approach we have taken is to spread the accountability of the 12 directors of that Authority among all the Oregon counties. We do this by having the director's seleted by each of 12 sets of county commissioners. Here is the allocation formula in the current proposed legislation: - Multnomah
- Washington
- Clackamas, Hood River
- Clatsop, Columbia, Tillamook, Yamhill
- Lincoln, Polk, Benton
- Marion, Linn
- Lane
- Coos, Douglas
- Curry, Josephine, Jackson
- Klamath, Lake, Harney, Malheur, Deschutes, Crook
- Wasco, Sherman, Gilliam, Morrow, Jefferson, Wheeler
- Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Grant, Baker
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