A Bimonthly Insight into Upward Bound and What’s on the Horizon. Issue TWO 2015-2016 |
Pardon the Interruption by Phil Kenkel 12/7/2015 I was going to write about Christmas, but as I write this article, it is pushing 55 degrees and the sun is raining down in splendid fashion, so it doesn’t feel like winter. As I searched for another topic to cover, I got interrupted by texts and phone calls from a variety of people---and then it hit me—all four people I communicated with this morning I met in college. I had my topic! Granted, the primary reason I went to college was to get an education and to position myself to be able to experience a fulfilling and comfortable life. I think it is safe to say that I have achieved those two goals and for that I am very thankful. But for those of you who know me, you know I felt it was important to share that the college experience is so much more than academia. I want to spend the rest of my time talking about those people who kept interrupting me this morning! I was greeted by a phone call from Mike Johnson early this morning. I am now doing some investment property management for Mike’s office and he called me to visit about a few issues related to that. I first met Mike when we were in high school. We went to rival schools and spent a lot of time competing against one another—most notably in basketball. I arrived to NW as a freshman and guess who lived on my floor—yep, Mike. We spent the next four years becoming good friends. We went on road trips, took classes together and Mike even tried to teach me how to sing—which proved to be the ultimate failure. Mike would leave for a time due to his job, but we always remained close and each and every time I see him, I am greeted by a familiar smile and warm handshake. His friendship is priceless. My freshman year also afforded me the opportunity to meet two great guys who lived right next door, Clifford and Dave. Dave was a broadcast major, who had a passion for getting the most out of every minute of the day. He volunteered for the 5:00 a.m. on-air shift for the campus station—which I thought was crazy! In the three years he lived next door, I don’t think he ever missed a shift. His dedication to his career had a great influence on me. Dave would hang out with us at night—always the life of the party. But it did not matter where he was or what he was doing, at precisely 10:00 pm he would leave and head to bed. We remained distant friends after we graduated—we kept up with each other and would make contact at least once a year. Unfortunately, Dave was killed in a car wreck about 10 years ago. I was deeply saddened by the event, but chose to remember Dave by emulating his passion for maximizing every second of life. |
Clifford and Dave seemed to be complete opposites—and how their roommate experience lasted, I’ll never know. Clifford loved to sleep in—each and every day. It was a major crisis for him if he had to take a class before noon. I’m sure there were a number of times when he was just rolling into bed as Dave was getting up for his broadcast shift. Clifford did just enough to get C’s in his classes and spent the rest of his time jumping from dorm room to dorm room to see what was going on. He also was an easy target for me as I planned practical jokes—he usually fell for them hook, line and sinker. I feel quite confident in saying that I have probably shared more laughs with him than any other person on earth. He called me this morning to inquire about football tickets for NW’s upcoming playoff game. We still are good friends and we have sat next to each other at NW games for 15 years. His son and my son both attend NW and they join us in the stands, which makes the experience all the more special. The last person I want to mention called me this morning to inform me that as of this past weekend they were officially a grandparent. I met Tammy my freshman year at a party. She approached me and I instantly became nervous—but for naught, as she wanted to know the name of the guy I was standing next to! Dan and Tammy would date throughout college and eventually marry and have four wonderful children---and now their first grandchild. I spent a great deal of time with both of them during college—we enjoyed hanging out, playing cards, going to movies, etc. Although she was the same age as me, she seemed to take on the “mother” role for many of the guys in our group. She would cook meals, clean our rooms and even volunteer to do our laundry. She is probably the most generous person I have ever met. We remain good friends and I am always grateful that I met her, but am slightly troubled that somebody my age is now a grandparent. :-) These are just four examples of the dozens of people I met in college who made a positive and significant impact on my life. While each one has a different background and personality, that did not stop our friendships from becoming strong and enduring. I remember only a small fraction of the time I spent sitting in a classroom, but I remember almost all of the people and out of class experiences I had while attending college. Like I said in the beginning—my first goal was to get an education and that remained my top priority all throughout college. But I was able to prioritize my time in order to experience so much more. Excuse me a second, I have another call coming in……………. |
Always use the UB code: 9713 Remember: Each UB participant can utilize 2 ACT fee waivers. Forms are available by contacting the UB office. | | |
Need a Little Summer in December Yes, that’s right I said SUMMER. While you are wishing and dreaming of a white Christmas, UB is excited to be planning our summer 2016. We have be gathering information and putting itineraries together for our summer trip (SAC will be voting soon). We have been planning activities and events to make this the best UB summer EVER!!! Most importantly we have dates for your own summer planning. Bridge Student Move-In Friday, June 3rd Summer Move-In Sunday, June 5th Summer Move-Out Friday, July 8th Summer Enrichment Trip Monday, July 11th – Friday, July 15th Get READY we have lots of OPPORTUNITIES and FUN packed into these amazing six weeks up UB summer! |
2015-2016 Saturday AcademiesUpward Bound Saturday Academies take place from 8:30 a.m. to noon on the 3rd floor of the Administration Building at Northwest Missouri State University. January 23 Regular Session / New Student Orientation February 26 - Friday, 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Session / TRiO Day March 12 Regular Session April 2 Regular Session Bus Schedule School Pick Up Time Drop Off Time Location King City 7:30 a.m. 2:10 p.m. High School Stanberry 7:45 a.m. 1:55 p.m. Elementary School Northeast Nodaway 8:05 a.m. 1:35 p.m. High School Rock Port 7:30 a.m. 2:20 p.m. High School Tarkio 7:45 a.m. 2:05 p.m. High School West Nodaway 8:10 a.m. 1:40 p.m. High School Arrive Northwest 8:30 a.m. Administration Bldg. Leave Northwest *12:45 p.m * Busses typically stop at McDonald’s/Taco Bell after session from 12:45-1:15 p.m. |
To All ApplicantsJackie and I would like to thank everyone who applied to be an Upward Bound participant this year! We really wish we could accept all of you! We are looking at all applicatants and how they fit into the requirements of our federal grant. Be on the lookout for your letters. They should be arriving very, very soon!! |
We are updating our application forms for Job Shadow and Work Study for this summer. Remeber to qualify for Work Study you must first complete one summer of Job Shadow. Please check the link below frequently. APPLICATION DEADLINE IS FEBURUARY 29, 2016. Applicaton will be live by Friday, December 18. | | |
Seniors Remember everything we have talked about this year. We want you to have scholarships that will pay you to attend. Scholarship searching and applying are your job this holiday break!!! Please email me your current scholarships and let me know where you're at. You should really be approaching your 16 minimum requirement!! | | |
TOP TEN THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT ME Karen Woodard - I am from a family of 5: mom, dad, brother, and sister. I am a middle child with all the issues that go with it.
- I attended a small school in Southwest Iowa where I graduated within a class of 21.
- I worked in a bank in Iowa as well as in the Los Angeles area of California after graduation.
- I have three daughters and six grandchildren.
- I started college at the age of 23 when two of my daughters were 3 and 1.
- I graduated from Northwest in 3 ½ years with a Bachelor’s of Science in Elementary Education; later I earned my Master’s Degree in School Counseling.
- I taught reading in elementary and middle school, and was the school counselor in high school for a total of 33 years.
- I coached all levels of volleyball for 30 years.
- I love to read and exercise.
- I believe that every person, no matter who they are, or where they come from, can earn a college degree. It will take a great deal of tenacity as well as faith in their abilities, but it can be done. Just believe!