We thought it would be nice to give a little tour of the work that we will be doing when we get to Kenya. So over the next few weeks we will be highlighting four children's homes that we will be involved with: First Love Children's Home and Daraja House (both in Nairobi), Raziki Children's Home in southeastern Kenya and Abba's House in the Rift Valley in central Kenya.
The featured video here is of our main facility, the First Love Children's Home. This is where we will live and do the bulk of our work. As you watch, keep an eye out when they show the boy's dorm. Our apartment is on the first floor on the right side (where all the kids are standing outside). At this home we presently have 95 boys and girls, with up to 10 more coming before the end of the year. There are also 22 Kenyan staff working in all facets of the ministry such as: childcare, kitchen, gardening, laundry, maintenance, administration, security, and outreach. We'll soon be adding our skills to this well developed team.
This five acre property has the ability to eventually house 100 girls and 60 boys. There is also staff housing, guest rooms for work teams and visitors, a large multi-purpose dining hall, a dental clinic and nurse's office, a grain milling operation, a women's sewing school, a fully equipped wood shop and a shamba (Swahili word for small farm). We have two large greenhouses (40x200) for growing vegetables, several milk cows and a number of chickens. On top of all this is a great playground and large open areas for the kids to run and play. You almost always see a pick-up game of football going on (soccer to us Americans). There's a variety of fruit trees (mangoes & bananas) but the kids usually pick them clean well before anything is ripe. |
Photos - Beginning Top Right then Clockwise: Our apartment, Kids getting on our bus for school, Woodworking Shop, Property Overview, Dental Clinic, Greenhouse, Taking a Cow for a Walk (that's what boys do), and Weekend Games in the Soccer Field. |
MONTHLY SUPPORT Just like you, we will have monthly expenses such as housing, ministry related travel, insurances, groceries, etc. All First Love missionary staff rely on monthly donations to meet these needs. Over the past month, we've seen a nice increase in our monthly support. We would love to get together and share how you can help the kids of Kenya. Would you pray about becoming a monthly partner with us? Thanks |