Scouts will have an opportunity to earn a patch (pictured above) if they attempt to complete all six hikes. Remember that the Cub Scout Motto is "Do Your Best!" If a less experienced is unable to finish the more challenging hikes, that's OK. As long as they try, that's all we are asking for. On the flip side, some of our more experienced Scouts will find some of the hikes "easy" and may decide to extend their hike to add a little excitement.
All Pack 375 Scouts and Leaders are eligible to earn the patch, which will be provided by the Pack. Other family members who complete the challenge can also request a patch for $2.25 each.
Learning About Hikes
For a more detailed description of the program and details of the six hikes, please see the 2020 Summer Hikes document on our Google Drive.
If you are unfamiliar with any of the trails, follow the "Alltrails" links in the document for additional information as well as directions for how to get to the trailhead.
Recording Hikes
If a Scout hikes a trail but doesn't record it in Scoutbook, did the hike really happen? We are asking all families to record their hikes in the spreadsheet linked below. This spreadsheet is the only way we will know if a Scout has earned the patch.
Besides tracking for the patch, we are also trying to keep track of how many miles we hike as a Pack this summer. Please record the distance hiked for EVERYONE in your family that participates, even if you do not want the patch.
Note that there are a few examples at the top of the spreadsheet to help when filling out your information. The three examples are actual Scouters. Can you guess who they are based on the information in the sheet?
For a more permanent record of your Scout's hiking adventures, the hikes can also be recorded in Scoutbook.
Sharing Hikes
Please share pictures of your hikes on our Facebook Group. See below for more information on our Facebook presence.
Family Hikes
These hikes are intended as recommendations for family hikes. They are not Pack or Den activities. Due to current COVID-19 mandates from the Juniata Valley Council, Dens may not get together as a group to complete these hikes.