"Ghana, The Exodus" Album is prophetic, inspirational, informing and historicaly powerful. The Diaspora* of so-called African Americans is currently in motion - the return to the land of origin. The Point of No Return has become The Point of Return. The world has come to know the plight of the Slave, the so-called African American and the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Our true Identity Is Hebrew; from the shores of West Africa. As a Child of the Tribe of Judah, I celebrate this turn of events with my album, "Ghana, The Exodus". Your purchase will be contributed to all who want to celebrate, become a part of a real movement, or become citizens of Ghana. The Abode Law allows dual citizenship to all African Americans. After generations of displacement, we have finaly returned home. Unlike the Jews of today's Israel, we did not war, manipulate nor shed blood to be welcomed into The Promised Land. All Praises Be To Our Father In Heaven. This is according to Bible Prophecy. Your $10.00 gift confirms to us to a 40 year spiritual conviction come true. The song, "Thy Kingdom Come" was composed over 25 years ago and foretells the Truth. Purchase "Ghana, The Exodus".
Be a part of a new history and future.
* Diaspora - The return of the scattered Children of The Lost Tribes of Israel to their Homeland