Cub Scout Pack 375 November 2017 Events & Updates! |
October was a fun month for Cub Scout Pack 375. We had the fall hike, the Black Moshanon Bog Monster fall camporee, and the Haunted Trail! Please see below for information pertaining to events and activities coming up in November along with October event recaps! |
Scouting for Food Thank you to everyone who was able to contribute to this years Scouting for Food event. Whether you hung door flyers, collected food, sorted food, delivered food, or did all of the above, your efforts are appreciated! We collected over 4,500 items which were donated to the Fillmore Food Bank. It was incredible to see all the Scouts working in sync to make this event a sucess. Special thanks to all the Leaders who coordinated their routes and ensured every house in our zone was reached. |
Fall Pack Hike Thanks! Special thanks to the Wolf Den for leading our Pack on the Fall Pack hike at Stone Valley. We had beautiful weather, a great turnout and lots of s'mores! |
Fall Camping Recap Pack 375 had the highest Cub Scout participation rate of the Juniata Valley Council with 27 "Bog Moster Mashers" attending the Fall Camporee at Black Moshannon State Park. The Scouts spent the day fishing, hiking, boating, and learning various skills. Special thanks to Boy Scout Troop 375 for hosting the Webelos! |
Haunted Trail Recap Special thanks to Troop 375 for hosting our Pack on their annual Haunted Trail. We had a great turnout for pumpkin carving, hot dogs and even more s'mores! |
Fall Fundraising Reminders! |
Popcorn Distribution November 16th @ Pack Mtg. Popcorn sales are now over. Orders will be distributed to Scouts at the November 16th Pack Meeting. Sales prizes will be distributed at the December Pack Meeting. Thank you to everyone who sold popcorn for our Pack! All funds raised go to offset the costs for Pack activities and awards. |
First Aid Kit Sales In addition to selling popcorn this year, Cub Scout Pack 375 will be selling First Aid Kits throughout the Scouting year. Initial orders will be distributed at the November 16th Pack Meeting. Additional orders will also be taken at the November Pack Meeting for distribution at the December 2017 Pack Meeting. These First Aid kits make great holiday gifts for friends and family as well as teachers, coaches, and even your Scout! - 50% of all First Aid Kit sales goes directly to Cub Scout Pack 375
Checks can be made payable to "Pack 375 BSA". All fundraising is optional. |
November Thursday, November 16th @ 7:00 pm: Pack Meeting @ Good Shepherd Popcorn Order Distribution First Aid Kit Order Distribution December Thursday, Dec. 21st @ 7:00 p.m.: Pack Meeting @ Good Shepherd Pinewood Derby Kit Distribution |
January Fri. - Sun., January 12th - 14th: Winter Camping @ Seven Mountains Thursday, January 18th: Pack Meeting @ Good Shepherd Saturday, January 27th: Klondike Derby @ Seven Mountains |