“Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.”
~ Eckhart Tolle
Life is for you. Wait...re-read that... When I read an excerpt of Mary O'Malley's What’s In the Way Is the Way, I was blown away by the simplicity and truth of her words. She invites you to explore this shift of perception that the healing we all long for doesn't come from changing anything. It comes from the abilty to see and be with what is, for each and every one of us is awareness.
"When you learn how to be curious about what is going on inside of you, you discover the ability to meet whatever you are experiencing without turning it into a problem. You can then give the energy that was bound up in your struggles the attention and the spaciousness it needs in order to let go. This brings you back to the free-flowing aliveness that you truly are – the field of your being. In order to be curious about what is going on rather than always trying to control it, it is important to know that your life is for you. Life is not just a random series of events that happen because you did it right or you did it wrong. Instead, it is an intelligent unfolding that is revealing itself to you all day long, bringing you step-by-step from unconsciousness to consciousness."
In collaboraton with Michael Bernard Beckwith, founder and spiritual director of the Agape International Spiritual Center, Mary O'Malley forms 6 stages of evolution from unconsciousness to consciousness. These phases are:
Life happens to you.
Life happens by you.
Life happens in you.
Life happens for you.
Life happens through you.
Life is you.
Most of us, most of the time, exist in these first two phases. The revelation comes in the knowing that right in the middle of these two phases of Life happening to you and Life happening by you is a passageway to the next four phases. The first two phases are a contraction, our heart space and mind are in a contracted state. They are however just as neccessary to our life beat as the heart contracting between expansion for circulation of life force through our body. Most days we will experience and flow through all or a number of these six phases. It is important to acknowledge that it is not about ridding our consciousness of a particular phase or ranking the phases according to importance. All of these stages are a part of life and as we evolve, we will learn to embody and embrace them all.
So this is an invitation is to show up for your life, not how you want it to be, but how it really is, allowing it, step by step, to bring you home to this moment, home to Life.