Cub Scout Pack 375 August 2019 Newsletter |
Thank you to everyone who came out to our first ever Bike Rodeo last week! It was great seeing everyone and I hope you all had a good time. I think we should make that an annual event! We received an e-mail yesterday informing us that there were only 19 days left until the start of school. Really?!?! It seems like the summer has just started! With the start of school comes the start of our Scout year, which I am excited to begin. Please see below for information about some upcoming activities to get the year started. If you drop a white hat into the Red Sea, what does it become? |
As was announced earlier this week, we will once again start our Scouting year with a family picnic. To change things up, we will have the picnic at the Bernel Road Park (airport park) this year. Besides the location, everything will be similar to past years. For additional details and to sign up, please click the link above. |
Please also invite any families that may be interested in joining Pack 375. This will be a great time for perspective Scouts and their families to get to know us and learn about Scouting. Feel free to share the sign-up link with them so that we know how many people to plan for. This would be a great way for Scouts to earn their "Recruiter" patch! |
I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream |
Speaking of recruiting... Josh Woods, our District Executive, has challenged each Scouting Unit in the Nittany District to up our game with recruiting efforts. What does that have to do with ice cream? I'll tell you! |
Josh has put his money where his mount his. Or rather he will use his money to put ice cream in the mouths of two Scouting units. He will host an ice cream party for the unit that registers the most new boys and for the unit that registered the most new girls. The contest started August 1st and goes until December 15th. Considering how well we do at baseline, we have a real chance of winning one of these. Besides the Family Picnic, please feel free to share my e-mail address (preferably the address) with anybody you know that might be interested in joining. |
Scout Night at State College Spikes TOMORROW, 7:05 PM Medlar Field at Lubrano Park |
Everyone who signed up for this should have received their tickets via e-mail yesterday. If you did not get yours, please contact me ASAP. As a reminder, Scouts and Leaders should wear their Class A uniforms to the game. Please see the e-mail containing your tickets for additional important information. |
Annual Health and Medical Record BSA Requires ALL participants in basic Scouting activities to have Medical Forms Parts A & B completed and turned in prior to the activity. |
We are an active Pack and collecting these forms prior to and returning the forms after an activity is very time consuming. Therefore, in an effort to simplify the process, we will require all Scouts and Leaders to have these forms on-file with the Pack for the entire year. In addition, these forms will be required for any parents or siblings attending Den, Pack, District, Council or other Scouting activities. The forms can be downloaded here: |
| Please provide TWO copies of the form when you turn in your Membership Renewal. One copy will stay with the Pack and the other will stay with your Den Leader. Forms are valid for 1 year. In order to ensure that the form does not expire during the year, please provide a form signed on or after 8/1/2019. Note that Parts A&B do NOT require a physician's signature. TIP 1: If you download the form it can be completed electronically using Adobe Reader. If you save the file after completing it, it will save you time next year. TIP 2: Photocopies are acceptable. Many families opt to keep their originals and turn in the copies to the Pack. |
Committee Meeting Thursday, August 15th, 7:00 PM Location TBD We will have our first Committee Meeting next Thursday at 7:00 PM. At the meeting we will be finalizing our calendar for the year and having discussions about leadership, fundraising, training, youth protection and other topics. The meeting is open to any parents interested in participating. The meeting location has not been finalized and will be e-mailed out to all of the leaders in the next couple of days. Anyone else who would like to be included, please send me an e-mail and I will add you to the list. |
Popcorn Creating this newsletter is making me hungry.... In-Person popcorn sales begin September 1st, however on-line sales can happen year-round. If you would like to get a jump-start on your on-line sales, please visit the Trail's End website to create an account. When registering, please select the following. Council: Juniata Valley District: Nittany Mountain Unit: Pack 375 Remember, Pack 375 will split the commission from each sale with the Scout. That money will be put in a family account that can then be used for Scouting related expenses. Watch your e-mail for more information in the coming weeks. |
Calendar Here is an updated list of Pack 375 meetings and events for the coming year. Information for Den meetings and events will be coming from your Den Leaders. |
August - Friday, August 9th, 2019, 7:05 PM - Scout Night at State College Spikes - Medlar Field at Lubrano Park
- Thursday, August 15th, 2019, 7:00 PM - Committee Meeting
- Thursday, August, 29th, 2019, 5:30 PM - Family Picnic
October - Friday, October 11th - Sunday, October 13th - Nittany District Camporee - Greenwood Furnace State Park
Contact Information Cubmaster - Joe Zanghi (814) 862-9616 |