Zipporah's life is an unbelievable story of hope! You see, she was orphaned as a toddler. An aunt who was living in Nairobi took her in, however, she was mistreated and often went without food. The aunt eventually disappeared up country for several years, leaving Zipporah alone with an uncle.
Concerned for her safety, a neighbor named Agnetta took Zipporah in to live with her. (Agnetta was a First Love cook, serving at a school feeding program in the Kibera slum.) Agnetta provided safety, love, food and an education. Unfortunately at about age seven Zipporah's aunt heard of her good fortune. She arranged to have her secretly taken from school and transported up country to live with another aunt so she could be their house slave. It became her responsibility to care for the six other children in the home, one of which was completely handicapped. Through the years, Zipporah was horribly abused. She became so unhappy, crying and begging to return to Agnetta. Her aunt became fearful of the authorities, so she arranged to have Zipporah returned to Agnetta in Nairobi.
Out of love and concern for Zipporah, Agnetta came to First Love asking for assistance. Zippy, as she is affectionately called at the First Love Kenya Children's Home, came to us in 2007. She just had her 17th birthday this week and is a great example of a life changed. As Zippy has said, "Through First Love I have found Jesus. My life has changed. He has given me hope and joy. He has helped me to be a role model and a mentor to the younger children. I like to show them the way, to listen to their problems and help them with homework. I'm so thankful that people give of themselves so other kids can have a bright future like mine."
Zipphora will be one of our first teens to move into the new Daraja House (transition home program) that we will be developing. [Check out her VIDEO interview]