We have exciting news!
As we prepared to share this news with you, we found out that the announcement comes at a perfect time - May - the month where we nationally recognize those involved in Foster Care and
remember the value of the Preservation of Historic Spaces.
The Lord has given Empty Frames Initiative an amazing opportunity that gives this time a little extra meaning, as we've found a historic space in downtown Raleigh to use for our discipleship program!
A long held dream of the EFI team has been to restore an older building to use for our training space. We feel that the restoration taking place with the buildings reflects the restorative work the Lord does in us, and wants to do for everyone, including our students.
One of the first steps we're taking is to submit a bid to the city to aquire the property. Would you consider joining us in the next 2 weeks to raise the $8,000 needed to submit our proposal?