Welcome to the 5th edition of Tassie eNews |
Welcome to the 2017 autumn edition of NGIT's Tassie e-news. We encourage all our members to share with us any news, story ideas, innovations and information concerning the nursery and garden industry. We welcome input from all members, and we are here to assist you in promoting information through our professional network. |
What's on this issue - Green Industry Growing Leaders Program
- 202020 Vision news
- Biosecurity Advisory Update
- Pests and Diseases 2017 Workshop Date
- NGIA Webinars - April & May
- Your Levy @ Work - Nursery Paper
- Minor Use Permit - Update
- Trade Register 2017 Edition
- NGIT Email Address update records
- Centre for Tasmanian Industry
- New Members Welcome
- Positions Vacant
- Advertising Feature
- Advertise with us!
- Like us on Facebook
- Check out our Website
Horticulture Innovation Australia Green Industry Growing Leaders Program "Australia's green industry (nursery and turf sectors) are working harder than ever, with nursery now worth $1.13 billion annually and more than 45 million square metres of turf produced each year." This unique course provides leaders and aaspiring leaders with the skills required to ensure their business remains positioned at the forefront of this growth. Funded by Horticulture Innovation Australia using nursery and turf industry levies and funds from the Australia Government, this is a not-to-be missed opportunity for business representatives across the nation. The program is open to nursery and turf levy payers and members of their respective supply chains. (follow this link to read more) Applications closing FRIDAY 5th May, 5pm AEST For further information regarding the program content and to apply for an application please contact: info@therightmind.com.au |
Over the last year the 202020 Vision has been an integral part of The Rockerfeller Foundation's 100 Resilient Cities program which helps cities around the world become more resillient to the physical, social and economic challenges facing the modern world. Sydney and Melbourne are the two Australian cities that have been selected for the program. For further information follow this link: 100resilientcities |
Biosecurity Advisory Update |
Tell your story. Use catchy text, bullets, links and more to bring your words to life. |
Biosecurity Advisory 1/2017 Russian Wheat Aphid found in Tasmania Russian wheat aphid, a serious insect pest of wheat, barley and some other cereal crops has been detected in Tasmania near Cressy. Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia, is a small green aphid whose feeding produces strong plant symptoms due to the injection of saliva into the plant. Symptoms include rolled leaves, chlorotic spots, leaf streaking, trapped awns giving a hooked appearance and stunted crop. These aphids spend their entire life on cereals and grasses. They survive only a few days without feeding on suitable plants. The hosts that are most severely affected are barley and wheat. Other primary hosts include durum wheat, field broom grass, Elymus sp. and jointed goatgrass. Secondary hosts allow the aphid to survive but not reproduce. These include cereal rye, triticale and various grasses such as oats, tall wheat grass and Indian rice grass.
For further information or to report a pest or diesease please visit dpipwe.tas.go.au |
WA Potato Tomato Psyllid Tomato-potato psyllid (Bactericera cockerelli) is an exotic plant pest in its own right. It also can vector a bacterium, Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum that causes zebra chip disease in potato tubers. Tomato-potato psyllid is a serious threat to potato, tomato and capsicum crops. It was first found in Australia near Perth, Western Australia in February 2017 and could spread by wind and trade. Symptoms of feeding by tomato-potato psyllid feeding on plants include yellowing, cupping and narrowing of individual leaves and the development of a purple tinge. These symptoms resemble other disorders. For further information or to report a pest or diesease please visit dpipwe.tas.go.au |
Pests and Diseases Workshop 2017 |
A date has been confirmed for a further Pests and Diseases Management Workshop to be conducted by Andrew Manners PhD (entomology) - Senior Entomologist, Horticulture and Forestry Science, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland Government. Workshop Date - Wednesday 21st of June (venue to be confirmed) The workshop will cover how to capture images of pest/disease problems, how to diagnose plant health problems, symptoms and possible causes. management options and resources, plant health problem solving, and a farm walk. The workshop will take 4.5 hours of presentation time plus breaks. We are asking our members to register and Expression of Interest below and we will follow up next month with a formal registration form when all details have been finalised. |
Webinars April & May
Two webinars will be run as part of the nursery levy funded project; Building the resilience and on-farm biosecurity capacity of the Australian production nursery industry (NY15002). The webinars will be run by Andrew Manners and John Duff (both Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries - DAF), who collectively have over 45 years of experience in pest and disease management. This project is a collaborative project between DAF, Hort Innovation and NGIA. Webinar #1 - Mite Identification and Management Webinar 27th April, 10.00 AM AEST Mites are small and minute and can be either pests or predators. Some groups of mites are relatively easy to identify at a general level. However some groups are more obscure and so tiny that a devoted microscope is required to observe them with confidence. This webinar will cover the major pest mite groups likely to be encountered in a production nursery. Follow the the link for further information and to register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4465132494882320386 Webinar #2 - Virus Identification and Management 18th May, 10.00 AM AEST Plant viruses cause serious economic loss, resulting in deformed or unusual growth that may cause plants to become unsaleable. Unfortunately, virus symptoms can be very similar to that caused by a variety of other factors. This webinar will discuss how to identify virus-like symptoms and the steps to confirm if a virus is present. Follow the the link for further information and to register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7634207580625404161 After registering you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar. |
During 2015/16 your nursery levy helped fund an investment of almost $2 million in nursery industry R&D and marketing projects to improve grower productivity and profitability and ensure the long-term sustainability of the industry. Projects included tree health, biosecurity and risk mamnagement, promotion of green space and mitigating heat stress in urban communities, production efficiencies and broader industry development. |
Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority - Update |
NGIA has been made aware of an APVMA error in the 'Rate' listed for movento 240 SC Insecticide under Minor Use Permit PER1707 Version 2 released in 2016. Permit to allow minor use of an AGVET Chemical Product To control various insect pests in (Non-Food) nursery stock including: seedlings, plugs, potted colour, trees, shrubs, foliage plants, palms, grasses, fruit trees and ornamentals. Download a copy of the updated Permit PER81707 below. |
Fellowship, Scholarship and Leadership Opportunities |
Hort Innovation is currently supporting a wide range of learning and development opportunities for people in the horticulture industry. These include... CHURCHILL FELLOWSHIPS Fellowships are available for applicants keen to head overseas to investigate any topic of benefit to the Australian horticulture industry. Apply by April 28, 2017 |
GREEN INDUSTRY GROWING LEADERS PROGRAM Funded places are available for a three-month leadership course specifically for the nursery and turf indrustries, delivered online and through some face-to-face sessions. Apply May 5, 2017 |
2017 Trade Register All members should have received a copy of the 2017 Trade Register - if you haven't please contact admin@ngitas.com.au and we will organise a copy to be delivered. |
Please update NGIT contact details We would like to advise all our members and associates that there are only two authentic email addresses owned and operated by the Nursery & Garden Industry Tasmania. We request that members revise their records and delete any other email addresses they have on file as the following addresses are the only addresses to be used for any correspondence to and from NGIT. They are as followes: president@ngitas.com.au admin@ngitas.com.au |
Take advantage of your NGIT membership and contact the Centre for Tasmanian Industry today to assist you with your specific needs on 03 6244 8881 or email info@centretasindustry.com |
Welcome to new our NGIT member - Riverview Nursery Riverview Nursery at 31 Forth Road, Don, is a large retail nursery with a wide selection of plants, trees, pots, fruit, vegies and herbs, outdoor and indoor furniture, homewares, gifts and a cafe. Open 9 am - 5 pm 7 days. Welcome to Damien and Michelle Reeves and all your staff - we look forward to meeting you. riverviewnursery.com.au |
Positions Vacant Don't forget you are most welcome to advertise any 'Positions Vacant' with us - Tassie eNews is sent out to members and Tafe students all around Tasmania. We will even load the vacancy up onto our website and share it on our Facebook page. It's a great way to help someone find a position within the industry. Just contact admin@ngitas.com.au with the details. |
100% Tasmanian Made Bio Char Now in stock! |
- Activated Biochar soil ready carbon
- Ready to use in gardenss or orchards to enhance water use,
microbes, aeration and nutrients - Available in fine grade or superfine 20L bags
Contact your local Tasmanian distributor, Waratah Wholesale 1 Tara St, South Hobart. P: 03 6223 7200 E: sales@waratahtas.com.au Facebook.com/waratahtas |
Advertise with NGIT Tassie eNews Tassie eNews is one of NGIT's key methods of communication that is delivered statewide to all our member's in-boxes regularly. If you have an event, training course or product you would like to promote, we invite you to take advantage of to advertise with us for FREE. We extend this offer of FREE advertsing space to all our NGIT members for up to 4 advertising spaces per year*. For further information please contact Kay Carney @ admin@ngitas.com.au *Terms and conditions do apply. All advertisements must be content appropriate to the nursery and garden industry and will undergo approval by NGIT Administration. Non-Members are welcome to apply for advertising space for a nominal fee. |
Have you visited NGIT's new website |
Our new website is for NGIT members This Newsletter and previous editions along with everything you need to know about what is happening in your industry is available on our new NGIT website. If you haven't already - take a tour - we'd love your feedback. www.ngitas.com.au |
NGIT Facebook Page Keep up to date with what is happening in your industry. Facebook is a great way for us to keep in touch with our members - it's casual and informal but can also be very informative We invite all NGIT members and even non-members to 'Like' our Facebook page. So please Like Us on Facebook |
Once again - thank you to all our members for taking the time to read through our Autumn 2017 Edition of NGIT's Tassie eNews - we look forward to your feedback, story ideas and the sharing of information. From all of us here at NGIT we'd like to wish our members a happy and safe Easter |