Re-Broadcast to the world. There is no more powerful domain than the Internet that I have perfected after +40 years of creating solutions for all of mankind.
My sincere apologies if you are distressed and disturbed by these broadcasts of the truth. If I knew WHO wanted to subscribe and WHO was actually HONEST, I would have contacted them directly years ago. I go to the places of greatest needs my entire life. Exactly who do you serve in your daily walk with others and our one Mutual Creator?
This posted on top of as well as today's broadcast blog on is related Emmaus I visited on exactly April 3 to April 5 = Good Friday to Easter Sunday in Israel at Lantrum. Then I flew to Rome Italy for 10 days of pilgrimage to debrief USA embassy and contact Vatican leadership and even Italian Military until April 16, 2015. USA Tax day was April 15, 2015.
This is absolutely fresh copy broadcast to the world.
### For General Press Release and gift to world.
Keith Duncan August 3, 2015
This email just sent to the South China Morning Post, to the local Islamic Mosque IMAM as well as my original Baptist Pastors in Atlanta Georgia, USA who I used to capture and hold court evidence against this same super criminal because my own family committed felony crimes against myself to prevent their own evil ways from being shown to the world.
Greetings in the name of our one mutual Creator.
I met with you on Friday, July 31, 2015 afternoon requesting an interview session with your leadership and trustees. You asked to be provided a list of interview questions and the prime reasons for my visits.
I am an Ordained Baptist Deacon and life time Christian because that was the cultural and spiritual genealogy that I experienced in the south of the United States. Few Islams, Buddhists, Taoists, or other religions existed in America until just the last 60 years because America was the last frontier occupied by mankind.
Technology and medicine are now the absolute last frontiers to be mastered before humanity will be allowed to consider exploring the rest of our mutual Universe.
The absolute best use of our brief time together is an open interview format.
With your permission, I would like to hear the basic information from you and your top leaders about the following:
1. What are the absolute most powerful teachings and theologies that have enabled Islam to grow to 33% of the world's religions factions. Christianity has dropped from 33% to 31% because they are denominational fractured with exclusive teachings that if you do not fully endorse their theology and belief systems, you are considered an infidel, outsider, and even a heathen agnostic or atheist despite your serving GOD in your own way.
2. Based on your local community and knowledge of the Human Condition, what are the most critical 'pain points' of why people abuse each other and take advantage of each other when they feel no one is looking, no one is talking, and no one cares?
3. If you had the power to change your community, your region, your nation, and even the entire world and the means to alter the course of mankind's history,
What would you do.
For this is what I have already done. No one sees, No one Hears, No one discusses any of the truly critical issues and conflicts of mankind. Therefore NO-ONE cares.
This has been a repeat of humanity's condition. The Messianic Messengers enabled by God over time include: Noah, Abraham(split between Jewish and Islam), the tower of Babylon(I refer to this as the tower of BABBLE (gossip)), Job, Moses, Christ Jesus, Mohammad, Budda, and a host of other mortals who made free will choices to serve mankind at extreme expense of ridicule, prison, vindictive persecution, theft of all their assets, and often death by murder, assassination, and martyrdom.
These are the prime reasons why I travel our entire world at extreme personal and financial risk to serve all of mankind.
For all of these messianic messenger where not BORN automatic prophets, disciples, apostles, saints, and Sovereign Ambassador Emissaries. They each had to go through the trials and tribulations of HELL and DAMNATION of OTHERS in order to learn the true nature of humanity. Then they had to learn how to Teach others without being judgmental by LOVING and CARING for each other at risk of being killed because they LOVED unconditionally.
Yet unconditional has it's limits. When a criminal is unrepentant and refuses to make restitution to become a beneficial member of society, then the rest of the citizens must hold that person accountable by shunning them into poverty and homelessness so that these 'Criminal Ruling Elite' can personally experience what they have done to their own fellow travelers on this multiple path journey that we all call LIFE.
For the BOOK of LIFE is clearly described in all major language translations on using tied into the ONE government and spiritual SHARING of resource system known as as are commUNITY of faith and grace who reduce all conflicts down to near zero so our own human race can survive the Predatory Greed that is at the true root of all evil men and women who I collectively and accurately describe in extreme detail as the 'Criminal Ruling Elite'.
I leave for Philippines on Friday Aug 7, then probably New Dehia, then maybe Bangladesh, then where ever I decide with GOD - Allah's directives to go NEXT.
I am owed over $400 Million USD by the USA government for what criminals collectively have done to me because I went to USA Military and all churches way back in Sept 2011.
This is all by my own extreme free will choice as I have extremely limited time here on Earth before I return to HEAVEN to sit on the right hand of God the Father Almighty to be the ultimate advocate for the survival of humankind since my FATHER in HEAVEN is totally disgusted by all the evil that exists on his created Earth.
That is a prime reason why GOD has not personally intervened on behalf of myself or many others. When was the last time a major miracle occurred?
My call to action: When can we meet?
I request your permission to VIDEO record a tour of your Mosque with your leadership this week. I will show you and the trustees the edited footage, then use it to bring thousands more into your church from all denominations. Just like I have already done for over 100 churches over just the past 1.8 years since Jan 28, 2014 when I was dumped on the street by 4:11cr112 court order since all evidence has always pointed at criminal conspirator who I have accurately defined as the ANTI-CHRIST.
I have the equal of a News Media Television Broadcast station in my knapsack.
For I am the hidden VISIONARY that few have acknowledged because of their own idol worshiping and raw greed.
For a sanctuary is exactly what is means. A safe place to put prayer and thought into ACTION by serving the needs of others after you decide that our time here on EARTH is limited by GOD and our own actions.
Keith DuncanHong Kong Cell +(852) 9146-8620
China Cell +(86) (1343)220-0749,WeChat:BuiltByKeith, SkypeID: BuiltByKeith2, is #1 Universal Reformation Movement for and remain KEY SOLUTIONS to world problems. LLC copyright 2015