"Where will you live until you move to Kenya?" is the first question we
most often hear. We will be moving in with our daughter, Hannah. She has a two bedroom apartment just down the street. She is actually looking forward to us joining her and has moved her things so mom & dad get the larger bedroom. What a sweetie!
"What about the rest of your belongings?" As soon as our buyers have their financing finalized and we have a closing date we'll schedule our last moving sale to liquidate the rest of our things. We'll keep a bed, a dresser and our clothes. A few bins of family photos and keepsakes will go into storage. We'll announce the sale date once it's set.
"So then, when will you actually move to Kenya?" In our last 2-Minute Update we talked about the target date we are shooting for. When our MonthlySupport Pledges reach 80% of our needed goal we can purchase our plane tickets and set a move date. We are still praying that this will be reached by the end of this year! We would love to get together with you sometime and share more about what we will be doing at the children's home.
"How do we make a monthly pledge to support your ministry?" If you're just considering this for the first time or you've been thinking and praying about it for a while, the next step is very easy. First, you can just give us a call (262-325-9300). We would love to hear from you personally. Secondly, we could meet up in person and walk you through the simple process. Lastly, you can click on the Make a Pledge button below and download the PLEDGE CARD. Fill it out and mail it back to us.