Cub Scout Pack 375 August, 2020 Newsletter |
As I was hiking the Mount Nittany trail a coupe of weeks ago as part of the #375summerhikechallenge I was once again reminded how grateful I am to have Scouting in the lives of our kids. I was proud of my Cub Scout and Scout, each carrying their own packs that they had packed themselves with their "essentials "including their own water. It was an 80° day and we were hiking past several groups that were woefully ill prepared for the hike, many with very little water, some without any. I’m sure that they were all very smart, worldly, healthy people. So why were they struggling? They never learned the many great life skills that Scouting teaches our kids! It this newsletter we will close out the 2019-2020 year and start the 2020-2021 year. I think it is safe to say that this new year of Scouting will be unlike any we have ever seen. Despite being different, the Committee is committed to offering a great program that continues to ensure that our Scouts are, “Prepared for Life.” What happened to Thor when he missed the nail with his hammer? |
I am humbled to report that the Fillmore Food Bank has asked for our help. For those of you who do not already know, the Fillmore Food Bank is sponsored in part by Gray’s United Methodist Church, our Charter Organization. Unfortunately with the current pandemic, the food bank has seen their inventory dwindle to levels that will not sustain them until Scouting For Food restocks their shelves in November. |
A Scout is Helpful. For the rest of the year, Pack 375 will have a collection box at each of our Pack Meetings. Each month we will focus on whichever food items the pantry has the greatest need for, though any non-perishable food will be welcomed. For August, the Pantry has asked us to focus on canned vegetables. Please bring a can or two or twelve to the Advancement Ceremony so we can help those in need! |
Pack 375's 2019 - 2020 Advancement Ceremony Wednesday, August 26th, 6:30 PM Rain date: Thursday, August 27th, 6:30 PM Gray's United Methodist Church |
We will close out the 2019-2020 year with our rescheduled, in-person Advancement Ceremony. At the meeting, Scouts will receive all of the awards that they have earned since our last in-person meeting, and will advance to their next rank to start the 2020-2021 year. This is meeting will be very different than our last, so please read this information very carefully: |
All “Requirements for In-Person Meetings” announced in the July newsletter, and copied at the end of this newsletter apply. Obviously, if you or anyone in your family are sick, please stay home. Upon arrival at the church, before settling in, please check in with your Den Leader. Everyone in your group must be with you so they can be checked in and have their temperature taken. Families in Den 9 (Erica’s Den), please check in with Melissa Gartner. Please bring your own chairs. None will be provided. Families should set up around the church’s back lawn, being sure to keep 6 ft from other families. Please also keep a center aisle open. Scouts will sit with their family, not their Den.
If you are unable or unwilling to comply with these rules, then I would ask that you please stay home. Pack 375 did not make the rules. They are not up for debate. We do not have the authority to grant exceptions, so please don’t ask. We don’t want to send anyone home after arriving, but we will if necessary. Remember, this will be the final event for our 2020 Summertime Pack Award. Please report your Scout's and your family's participation in this events using the link below. Note that there is a field to report family participation. If you have more than one Scout, please only report family participation once per event. Everyone's participation counts toward the Pack's and Den's awards, so please report your family's participation, even if your Scout does not qualify for the Summertime Pack Award. |
Honey Baked Ham Fundraiser Order Deadline Extended! |
Honeybaked Ham has agreed to generously donate $3 per meal sold. $1.50 will go to each scout and $1.50 will go to Pack 375. Please bring a picnic blanket and a beverage on 8/26 and enjoy a cooking-free night! |
If you are interested in buying a meal, please fill out this form by 9:00 AM, Monday, August 24th: A meal includes a sandwich, Lays chips, and pickle. Cost is $8.05 each. Options include ham, turkey, chicken salad (Freshly made Chicken Salad with lettuce and tomato on a flaky croissant), or veggie (Sliced Cucumbers, Green Bell Peppers, Provolone Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato, Black Olives, Banana Pepper Rings, Lemon Dill Sauce On Multigrain Bread) Meals will be available at Gray's United Methodist Church starting at 5:45 PM. |
Fundraising We are going to take a slightly different approach to fundraising this year. Fundraisers will be broken into two categories, “indivisible fundraisers” and “group fundraisers.” Individual fundraisers are those where the individual Scout or family puts in the majority of the time to raise money. Examples include popcorn, Marianna’s and Way Fruit Farm. This year, all profits from Individual Fundraisers will be credited to the family accounts. As a reminder, money in Family Accounts may be used for things that benefit the entire pack such as: paying dues, buying uniforms, paying for trips & summer camp and other items as approved by the Pack Committee. Dues do not have to be paid from the Family Account, however dues must be paid in full before the Family Account can be used for any other purpose. Leftover money in the Family Account will be absorbed into the Pack account after a family leaves Pack. Note that statements showing account balances from last year will be sent out soon. Group fundraisers are those that we or the community participate in as a group and do not require a significant time commitment from individual families. Examples include dining at Moe’s, Texas Roadhouse, Honey Baked Ham, Sweet Frog, etc. All profits from Group Fundraisers will go to the Pack’s budget to pay for programming and equipment. We will try to have a Group Fundraiser monthly and have 2-3 Individual fundraisers each year. Note that participation in fundraising is always appreciated but never mandatory. |
Value of Scouting It is impossible to put a value on the benefits of Scouting, but it is possible to calculate the cost. This year, we are, once again taking a different approach to Pack Dues. Since we are giving all of the profits from our major fundraisers to the families, we have not included any fundraising revenue in the budget. Based on that, we have calculated the cost to operate the Pack for the year, divided it amongst all of the Scouts and used that as the basis for our dues (see below). With that, the Pack 375 dues for the 2020-2021 year are: |
$14.17 per month - 1st Scout 20% discount for additional Scouts $10 discount if paid in full by September 9th |
Dues will be spread out so that the families do not have to pay the full amount all at once. If families choose to pay the full amount by September 9th, 2020, they will receive a $10 discount for the 1st Scout and $8 discount for each additional Scout. The 2020 - 2021 Pack 375 Membership Form with payment information will be e-mailed separately. |
The Pack Committee met virtually on August 13th, 2020 to approve our 2020 - 2021 budget. Please note that we have not included any programming or equipment costs in the budget. This is intentional since we will be using revenue from Group Fundraisers to pay for those items. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like more information about our budget. |
BSA Youth Registration - $4,422.00 Awards - $2,000.00 Technology* - $724.92 Pinewood Derby - $635.00 BSA Leader Registration - $630.00 Blue & Gold Banquet - $500.00 JVC Youth Fees - $335.00 Misc. Pack Expenses - $335.00 Klondike Derby - $196.00 Pack Recharter Fee - $75.00 JVC Adult Fees - $75.00 Total - $9,927.92 * Accounting software, website hosting & Zoom Pro account |
As Scouts grow and progress, their uniform needs change. Please consider donating any unneeded uniforms (including class A shirts, class B shirts, hats and other uniform pieces) to our Uniform Exchange. If you are in needed of any uniform items, please feel free to brows our Uniform Exchange table at a Pack Meeting. |
Fall Outing October 17, 2020, 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM Black Moshannon State Park This year our Fall Outing will be a single day of fun, learning and physically distant socializing. The full itinerary has not been created, but we will try to include advancement opportunities for all ranks. Note that no food or beverages will be provided by the Pack. Families must bring their own bagged lunch, carry their own water and pack out their own trash. Pleas also bring snacks, folding chairs the 6 essentials and anything else you may need for the day. A parent or guardian MUST accompany each Scout. All “Guidelines for in-person Meetings” in effect at the time of the event must be observed! There is no cost for this event, but families must sign up in advance. Black Moshannon has limited their group area to 60 people, so we will only be able to accept the first 60 people who sign up. |
Den Updates School hasn't started, but these Scouts have! |
Den 8 - Girl Tigers This group of little ladies couldn’t wait to get started. We decided that the first big step and a very important part of being a scout is the Bobcat Badge Requirements. These girls worked hard and memorized the Oath, Law, Motto, Handshake, and Sign. This first big step is completed and we are ready to go. The next area we worked on was our requirements for Games Tigers Play. They worked together to move a ball balanced on a cup to different locations. They walked like ducks and created their own game and rules to play. We sat 6ft apart to show and tell about our favorite healthy snack and talked about sporting events that we have attended in the past. We are ready to work our way through this amazing year. |
Jaguar Patrol - Arrow of Light ARROWS ARE ON TARGET The Arrows of Light have been meeting every week to make the most of their last 6 months in Pack 375! We officially formed the Jaguar Patrol, and every Scout will have a turn to be Patrol Leader for two meetings. This is one of the things we're learning about 'life on the other side of the bridge' - how Scouts BSA troops operate and what to expect after crossover. We're excited about the 137 merit badges and the ranks that lead to Eagle. Ask us about the new Scout sign, motto, slogan, and especially the handshake! These Arrows have also completed a service project with Nittany Greyhounds, set up their own tents, whipped and fused ropes, made our own Arrow of Light Class B t-shirts, played frisbee golf, and had an epic water gun battle. Seven of the nine Arrows have participated in the hiking challenge. If you want to know about Cub Scouting, please ask an Arrow - we'd love to share our stories to make your Scout experience as great as ours. "Our aim is true, our target's in sight. We lead our Pack as ARROWS OF LIGHT!!" |
Winter Outing - Save The Date January 9th, 2021 We will have a Winter outing on January 9th, 2021. More details will follow, but please mark your calendars now. |
Future Pack Meetings Assuming everything goes well with the Advancement Ceremony on Wednesday, we will continue to have outdoor Pack Meetings as long as weather permits. Under current guidelines, our group is to large to meet indoors, so if we cannot meet outside, the meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. Please see below for preliminary Pack Meeting dates: Obviously we will be unable to have a traditional Blue & Gold Banquet with the current restrictions. We will evaluate options as we get closer to the date depending on how restrictions may change between now and then.
Calendar Here is an updated list of Pack 375 meetings and events for the coming year. Information for Den meetings and events will be coming from your Den Leaders. |
August - Wed, August 26 @ 6:30 - Advancement Ceremony
September - Wed, September 16 @ 6:30 - Pack Meeting
October - Sat, October 17 @ 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM - Fall Outing - Black Moshannon State Park
- Wed, October 21 @ 6:30 - Pack Meeting
November - Wed, November 18 @ 6:30 - Pack Meeting
December - Wed, December 16 @ 6:30 - Pack Meeting
January - Sat, January 9 - Winter Outing - Seven Mountains Scout Camp
- Wed, January 20 @ 6:30 - Pack Meeting
February - Wed, February 17 @ 6:30 - Pack Meeting
March - Wed, March 17 @ 6:30 - Pack Meeting
April - Wed, April 21 @ 6:30 - Pack Meeting
May - Wed, May 19 @ 6:30 - Pack Meeting
Requirements for In-Person Activities |
Effective immediately and until further notice, the following requirements apply to any and all in-person Pack and Den meetings, Pack and Den activities, Pack and Den Outings and any other gathering for Pack 375 or it's Dens. It is absolutely mandatory that these requirements be followed. Failure to do so will put our Charter Organization (Gray's United Methodist Church) at great risk and indirectly put the future of Pack 375 at risk. |
All In-Person Activities - Face coverings must be correctly worn by everyone (Scouts, leaders, parents, siblings, guests, etc.) at all times. Period. NO exceptions! This applies indoors or out. It applies regardless of physical distancing. It even applies regardless of extenuating medical conditions.
- A parent or guardian must be present during all in-person events
- If a Scout will not follow the masking policy or shows any sign of illness they must be immediately removed from the outing.
- Carpooling is not permitted
- All participants should follow the six-foot distance rules
Gray's United Methodist Church - The church building is allowed to be used for upstairs restroom use only.
- Only one Scout is permitted in the building at a time, Cub Scouts must be accompanied by a parent.
- There will be a sanitizing station located near the door, the restroom and all handles touched must be wiped down after each use.
- Outside use of the parking lot and field are permitted, no inside meetings at this time.
Additional Notes - Pack 375 and it's Leaders have no control over these mandates. Please do not ask one of the leaders for an exception. It is not up to us.
- The above is a summary of mandates provided by Juniata Valley Council (JVC) and Gray's United Methodist Church. There are additional requirements that Leaders will need to consider when planning an in-person activity. Leaders will notify families of any procedures that must be followed for specific events.
- For a complete list of the JVC mandates, please see the below link: - We understand that these requirements will be inconvenient and will likely prevent some Scouts in participating in some activities. That realization makes us very sad but unfortunately it is unavoidable. We wish that there were another way, but there isn't.
- As always, let me know if you have any questions.
Contact Information Cubmaster - Joe Zanghi (814) 862-9616 |