FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER 二月活動快訊 Check out what we've been up to this month |
From February 17-19th, Ven. Dhammadipa instructed at the 3-Day Mindfulness of Breaths Retreat at Temple of Enlightenment in Bronx, NY. More than 60 meditators participated at this retreat, during which, two Sri Lankan families provided meals for the meditators. 二月十七號至十九號,法曜法師帶領學員於紐約大覺寺禪修安般念三日。超過六十位學員參加共修,禪修期間並有斯里蘭卡信徒供齋。 |
10-Day Insight Meditation 四念處十日禪 Ven. Dr. Dhammadipa will be instructing at a 10-day insight meditation retreat from 3/19-29, at Kota Kinabalu Meditation Society, in Sabah, Malaysia. 法曜法師將在三月十九至二十九日,於沙巴神山禪修中心教導四念處十日禪。 | | |
English Study Group 英文佛法讀書會 Our study group at US Zen initially started with only 2-3 participants; today, it has grown to 15-16 active participants. We meet on Thursday evening from 7-9 pm (on 3/09, 5/11, 5/25, 6/08, 6/22, and 7/06). Everyone is welcome to join. Please click the below button to check out the recordings of past discussions. 美國禪學院的英文讀書會剛開始只有2-3位學員參加,現在已經成長到15-16位成員。讀書會上課時間是在週四晚上七點到九點(3/09, 5/11, 5/25, 6/08, 6/22, and 7/06),歡迎大家踴躍參加。請點擊以下按鈕來觀看過去讀書會錄影。 | | |
Chinese Study Group 中文佛法讀書會 On 2/12, we started the discussion on Kuramajiva's “Discourse on the Samadhi of Sitting Meditation” dated in 401 AD. This is one of the earliest texts by Kuramajiva after his arrival in China. This text provides a great insight into the Buddhist commentaries from both early Mahayana and Sravakayana traditions at its time, and covers topics from various Samadhi techniques, insight meditation, realization of the Sainthood, and the Bodhisatva Path. The next classes will be held from 1-3 pm on 3/12, 4/30, 5/28, 6/11 and 6/25. Please click the below button to check out the recording from the first discussion. 在二月十二號讀書會,我們開始了鳩摩羅什的《坐禪三昧經》。此經是鳩摩羅什到中土後最先編輯的經書之一,其中載錄了早期大乘以及聲聞乘諸位禪師的論述,論及念佛、禪定、內觀、證果、行菩薩道等法門。讀書會時間為週日下午一點到三點(3/12, 4/30, 5/28, 6/11 and 6/25). ,歡迎大家踴躍參加。請點擊以下按鈕來觀看過去讀書會錄影。 | | |
Milinda Panha Study Group 彌蘭王問經讀書會 Ven. Dhammadipa will provide instructions through Skype conference to the Chinese study group based in Wisdom Temple, Billerica, MA. The work discussed will be Milinda Panha (The Questions of King Milinda). It is an early Buddhist work dated in the first century, which recorded the conversation between Indo-Greek king Menander I of Bactria and Bhikkhu Nagasena, which discusses questions still relevant to this date, especially from a Western view, e.g. "Is there such a thing as soul?" "He who is reborn, is he the same person or another?" "Where is nirvana?" For more information, please contact Ms. Dong: dong3yan4@gmail.com 法曜法師將會透過Skype指導麻州般若寺的《彌蘭王問經》讀書會。此書編輯於公元前一世紀,紀錄了印度-希臘王國(巴克特里亞)國王米南德一世與龍軍(那先)比丘的問答對話,其中包含了許多與現在人仍舊相關的問答,例如「靈魂是否存在?」「輪迴轉生者是否為同一人?」「涅槃在何處?」。欲了解更多信息,請聯繫董燕: dong3yan4@gmail.com |
March/April Events 3/09 at US Zen Institute "The Foundations of Buddhism" 3/12 at US Zen Institute Kuramajiva's "Discourse on the Samadhi of Sitting Meditation" 3/19-29 at Mt. Kinabalu Center 10-Day Insight Meditation Retreat 4/08-09 at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, China Seminar: "Loving-Kindness, Compassion, and Meditation" 4/15-19 at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, China 5-Day Meditation Retreat |
三/四月活動 3/09 美國禪學院 佛法基本通 英文佛法讀書會 3/12 美國禪學院 鳩摩羅什《坐禪三昧經》 中文佛法讀書會 3/19-29 沙巴神山禪修中心 四念住十日禪 4/08-09 廣州中山大學 「慈悲與禪修」課程 4/15-19 廣州中山大學 五日禪修 |
Ven. Dr. Dhammadipa was invited to give a short lecture about Theravada Buddhism at Manhattanville College, Purchase, NY, on 2/16. . Photo credit: Father Wil Tyrrell |