OCTOBER NEWSLETTER Check out what we've been up to this month (OCTOBER 2018) |
Carving Pumpkins by Stacey Pinz Many people across America have a yearly tradition around Halloween of finding the best shaped pumpkins in order to carve jack o' lanterns. Has carving pumpkins always been a part of the Halloween tradition? Where did this tradition begin, and why? According to History (2018), carving jack o' lanterns originated with an Irish myth about a man nicknamed "Stingy Jack." According to the myth, Stingy Jack encountered the devil and made a deal with and tricked the devil. Read more about how carving became a world-wide tradition by clicking this link: History of Jack O' Lanterns |
245D Policy Review: An Annual Requirement By: DHS and Stacey Pinz Every year, our team is required to review the 245D policies which are created to help home healthcare companies and group homes have a standard set of guidelines to follow. Please click on the link below to review the 245D policies, and then be sure to sign off on the attendance form indicating that you have, in fact, reviewed all of the 245D policies. LINK TO ACKNOWLEDGE YOU REVIEWED POLICIES: LINK | | |
Holiday Blues BY UC DAVIS HEALTH Beat the holiday blues — and know when they're something major...... Although the holidays are a time of joy for many, they can also trigger symptoms of anxiety and depression to different degrees. There are several reasons people may experience symptoms of anxiety or depression over the holidays, said Robert Hales, chair of the UC Davis Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Symptoms may indicate the “holiday blues” or be signs of a more serious major depression. Common causes of the holiday blues The holiday blues may plague more people this year as concerns about the economy and the war abound. | | |
Volunteering with Clients Volunteering is a great way for caregivers and clients to have a unique shared experience together while getting the client out into the community. Research has found that volunteering has numerous benefits for volunteers, themselves. In fact, Helpguide.org (2018) states that volunteering can actually make people feel "healthier and happier." From the numerous conversations we have had with caregivers about their clients, our clients could use a little happiness in their lives. The article goes on to state that "1. Volunteering connects you to others. 2. Volunteering is good for your mind and body. 3. Volunteering can advance your career. 4. Volunteering brings fun and fulfillment to your life." Read the full article below which highlights the numerous benefits of volunteering. | | |
SPOT PARKINSON’S IN 3 MINUTES USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Author: Homewatch CareGivers Chinese tech giant Tencent has teamed up with a London healthcare firm Medopad to develop artificial intelligence software that can diagnose Parkinson’s Disease in minutes. The new AI system has been trained to spot Parkinson’s by looking at existing video footage of patients. The video analysis was done in collaboration with Kings College Hospital in London. | | |
OCTOBER Highlights (Keep them Coming) Compassionate Home Care, we have had some important things going on in OCTOBER! - Katie D. has continued to show her creativity and dedication to her clients through her client-centered attitude and her ability to talk with clients to truly learn about what they need (see photos below).
- Jackie B. has been patient and adaptable as she has had some clients who have had health issues and cancellations. She has continuously offered her care to others, and continuously shows her dedication to client needs. CHC appreciates her caring heart.
- Vicki has been working around her clients' schedules to help them attend appointment. She happened to be in the right place at the right time the other day in that she decided to stay and work longer with a client, and then they discovered that the client had an appointment she had forgotten. Vicki is like a superhero -- there at the right time when she is needed.
- Darian has been working well with her clients and being extremely productive. She worked with her client to bake 10 loaves of bread, and also managed to help her make it to numerous appointments. Thank you, Darian, for all you do for your clients.
- Claire recently worked to clean all of the dishes in the home of a client who recently had his home fumigated. She quickly learned that the client's hot water wasn't working, so she improvised to find a way to help get the dishes clean through creative means. Claire has been working so hard since joining the CHC team, and we know she is making a tremendous impact in her clients' lives.
- Kati J. has worked closely with Christine to help her clients get some additional services that they have needed. She has shown strong communication abilities, and an ability to make her clients' days brighter!
- Alisha was recently been promoted to working mostly ICLS. Compassionate Home Care has seen how hard Alisha has worked at caring for her clients, so Alisha deserves this opportunity.
- Kathy has been getting her client out into the community bowling! Kathy and her client have been patient with her client, and she has gone above and beyond for her client. Thank you for working so hard for your client, Kathy!
- Jennifer and Cindy have been working together to help a client to start a massive organizational project for a client who is very set in her ways. The two of them have been working well together to help get this massive project under way.
- Nancy has been working extremely hard at client-centeredness. She has adapted to numerous new clients and has jumped in to work hard for them no matter what their circumstances. Compassionate Home Care sees Nancy's big heart for her clients, and we feel fortunate to have her on the team.
- Lolita has worked with numerous clients since beginning with the client, and she has immediately won the hearts of all of her clients. She works extremely hard for her clients and listens with an open heart and mind to their needs.
- Miranda made a special effort to adapt to her client's schedule and take her client to the food shelf during a time when she is not normally scheduled.
- Cindy worked on doing landscaping for her client.
- Jackie M. helped her client to get a senior discount. She has also been extremely attentive to one of her clients who does not have a lot of other support in his life. She continuously checks in with her client, and will help whenever he has needs.
- Amy took her client to get her nails done, and she brought her client to the medical marijuana clinic. She also subbed for a client and got him to leave the house (and go to two different places when he doesn't like to leave the house), and she got him to open up a lot to her.
- Tammie B. has been getting her clients to a lot of appointment, and after working hard with her clients, they are starting to open up to her and feel more comfortable around her. She has also helped to get her client signed up to volunteer.
- Lori O. has worked to get her client out volunteering at Feed My Starving Children.
- Alyssa gotten a client into the shower who has not wanted to shower for quite some time. In fact, once the client got into the shower, she did not want to get out. Way to be creative, Alyssa! We appreciate how you have jumped in to immediately impact your clients' lives.
Kati D. fixed a computer, a dishwasher, and a door all in one day! |
Welcome Our New Employees in October Read more about our newest team members by clicking on the links below! |
OCTOBER Employees of the Month |
Homemaking/Companion Care Staff: Alisha Honkala Alisha has received accolades for her compassionate demeanor and her ability to make her clients' homes sparkle and shine. Alisha is thorough in her care as well as her communication of that care. Her Matrix notes are extremely detailed, and Alisha is diligent about always contacting the office whenever she has questions or concerns about her clients, too. Several of her clients have also commented on her attention to being on time and her dependability; they appreciate knowing that Alisha keeps her appointment times with her clients, and she understands the importance of being there when she is scheduled. Alisha continually works to build relationships with her clients because she truly cares about them and their needs. She wants to see her clients remain healthy and happy in their own homes, and she knows that through her assistance, this is possible. Compassionate Home Care thanks Alisha for her dedication to the company mission and the way that she goes above and beyond to help her clients to live the best lives possible. | | |
| | ICLS/Direct Caregiver Crystal Peterson Crystal is a CNA who started in the role of a homemaker, but she quickly began picking up ICLS clients in order to fully utilize her CNA skills. Crystal is patient and kind, and she works hard to understand her clients and their needs. One of her clients experiences significant mental health difficulties, and Crystal even goes by another name to help her client feel more comfortable. Crystal has been thorough and adaptable in her care. Her notes are detailed, and when/if she has concerns regarding her clients, she is in constant communication with the office to share those concerns. Additionally, one of Crystal's homemaking clients is very sick, and Crystal has offered to help her with any/all care that she can within her training and job scope. Crystal has worked to make strong connections with her clients; she has a big heart of compassion for them, and she will do everything in her power to assure her clients are receiving the best care possible. | | |
| | ILS Trainer Cindy Stockdill Cindy has been the truest picture of adaptability and dependability. She has NEVER called in for any reason, she picks up shifts whenever she has an opening in her schedule, and she is always on time for her scheduled times with her clients. Every client who meets Cindy instantly feels her heart of compassion, and she is able to easily and quickly build rapport with clients, and her clients quickly feel like they can open up to her. Cindy's adaptability has led her to opportunities in a new program which Compassionate Home Care is beginning called In-Home Family Services. Cindy has taken on the clients in this category, and she has been the first face of this program; because of her professionalism and dedication to having a client-centered mentality, this program will undoubtedly continue to grow. The Compassionate Home Care team (clients, caregivers, and the client relations team) appreciates all Cindy has done to learn about this business and show her dedication to client needs and the company's goals and objectives. | | |
<img height="22" src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/5e9922_3509e29d40d24b53b9ea6064d03de5c0.png_256" width="22">November Birthdays<img height="22" src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/5e9922_3509e29d40d24b53b9ea6064d03de5c0.png_256" width="22"> - Katie Dupont – November 4
- Mary Stachel – November 18
- Samantha Plohocky – November 19
- Vicki Greene – November 24
- Alyssa Arends – November 30
- Cathy Schmidt – November 30
<img height="22" src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/5e9922_3509e29d40d24b53b9ea6064d03de5c0.png_256" width="22">October Birthdays<img height="22" src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/5e9922_3509e29d40d24b53b9ea6064d03de5c0.png_256" width="22"> - Cynthia (Cindy) Reed – October 4
- Tasha Towle – October 24
- Lisa Bee – October 25
- Jan Nicodemus – October 29
November Anniversaries - Lori O’Connor – 2 years
- Teri Ningen – 1 year
- Darian Donovan – 1 year
October Anniversaries - Tammie Black– 1 year
- Marie Plaisance – 1 year
Compassionate Home Care Statistics - 5 Private Pay Clients
- 50 ILS Clients
- 87 Homemaking/Companion, Personal Care Clients
- 51 ICLS Clients
- 22 New Client Referrals in October
- 58 Employees(Trained by October 31)
CONGRATULATIONS TO SEPTEMBER'S VIRTUAL MEETING DRAWING WINNERS Thank you to those of you who took time out of your busy lives to view the virtual meeting for September. You have no idea how much we appreciate your dedication to continuing to learn about and support the amazing caregiving efforts of the entire team! Keep striving for client satisfaction. We are so excited to see our outstanding caregivers leading us to the top of the industry! This month, we did a drawing using all of the names of the people who viewed the meeting before the reminder was sent out. Congratulations to our SEPTEMBER'S Winners, Keshea AND Dawn! |