Newsletter, February 2016 #5
Highlights include:
Online class: Korean Historical Drama Module 1, 2 & 3 beginning Feb. 11
2016 Mago Pilgrimage to Korea
Forthcoming/Call for Contribution: She Rises:
How... Goddess Feminism, Activism, and Spirituality (Vol 2)
Forthcoming/Call for Contribution: Seasons of the Goddess
Call for Contributions: Return to Mago E-Magazine
Hearth Moon Rising's Book Review of The Mago Way: Re-discovering Mago, the Great Goddess from East Asia by Helen Hye-Sook Hwang
Marcella J. Lively's Book Review of She Rises: Why Goddess Femnism, Activism, and Spirituality? Volume 1
Forthcoming, Mago Pilgrimage: Journey to the Primordial Home Volume 1
(Imbolc Essay) The Story of an Imbolc Doll by Jude Lally
(Essay) The Students of Life and Death by Robim Stimpson
(Photo Essay 3) Goddess Pilgrimage by Kaalii Cargill
Work with Mago Academy
Upon Inaugurating Mago Academy
Mago Pilgriamge
Join us in Social MediaThe Mago Circle,
Facebook Group
Explore Hanguk/Korea,
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The Mago Web
Meet Our Volunteer Mago Sisters
Mary Saracino
Rosemary Mattingley
Kaalii Cargill
Mary Ann Beavis
Nicole Shaw
Trista Hendren
Glenys Livingstone
Harriet Ellenberger
Wennifer Lin
Helen Hwang