Many hayfever sufferers have to resort to dosing up on over the counter medication and perhaps suffer with drowsiness or other side effects. Or they may isolate themselves from the dreaded outdoors and remove themselves from as many potential triggers in the environment as possible.
About 20 per cent of the population may suffer the with the condition, severity tending to peak in the 20s. There can be varying patterns though and, perhaps more commonly than classic hayfever, symptoms can be seen in people that are year-round, which would be known as perennial rhinitis.
Here's the good news! Homeopathy can help. Firstly by treating the acute symptoms during the season, i.e. helping the sufferer to naturally treat the sneezing, burning eyes or whatever your specific symptoms may be. And with homeopathy we can also treat your susceptibility to hayfever and within a few years you may be free of hayfever completely.
Get in touch with me if you want to pursue homeopathy to tackle your hayfever this year. Call Leslie on 07871 697000.