Fast Food Frenzy
Bustle, an online women's magazine, and Jack in the Box, the fast-food chain Kim Kardashian made famous, teamed up to promote Jack's new spicy chicken strips combo. Bustle hosted an interactive pop-up shop where customers were encouraged to check out chicken art, smell the fragrances of Jack, jump in a foam pit, listen to people eat chicken strips, and try the chicken themselves. Sounds exactly like what I planned for my birthday party...
Introducing the iHop Pancake Burger, which is unlike their burger with pancake buns... iHop describes the new burger as, "Our pancakes and Steakburger had a baby! A world-famous buttermilk pancake griddle with Cheddar cheese and layered between two premium Steakburger patties, then topped with American cheese, custom-cured hickory-smoked bacon and our signature IHOP® sauce." So basically, it's a cheesy pancake put on a burger and like, we kinda want one (unlike half the internet).
We got the juice
Jamba Juice is dropping "juice" from their name. And we're not as upset as when Dunkin' dropped "donuts." The company claims that loyal customers already call them Jamba and that their menu isn't exclusive to juice anymore. Sounds like they just wanted to try out a cool new nickname.
aka Mayonnaise and Ketchup mixed together. Heinz's pre-mixed liquid gold released in Canada and customers there got a bad taste in their mouth. A language there spoken by the Cree translates Mayochup to... wait for it... SHITTY FACE. We're not kidding. So, just a warning, maybe don't go looking for Mayochup in Canada and just mix it yourself instead.