OREGON SHIPPING GROUP newsletter April 20, 2017 |
President's Message I am pleased to announce that the Lebanon Intermodal Facility and Transfer Station, LLC, also known as LIFTS Oregon, was established on April 19, 2017. This company will now focus on the development of the Lebanon intermodal facility. Temporarily the company can be reached through Oregon Shipping Group but LIFTS Oregon will soon have its own website and email addresses. On another note, if we can get the Legislature to at least change the mission statement for the Port of Portland we will have a real opening to change the corporate culture at the Port and ensure that Oregonians are the ones who are best supported by the Port. The proposed mission statement is below. Sincerely, Kevin L. Mannix |
Proposal to Enhance Statutory Mission of the Port of Portland Under current law (ORS 778.015), the Port of Portland is directed to promote the maritime, shipping, aviation, commercial and industrial interests of the port. The Port of Portland is owned by the State of Oregon and is the main gateway for commerce for the entire state. With a statute directing the Port of Portland to look out for the interests “of the port,” the Port of Portland is obligated to first look out for its own interests rather than the interests of the entire state. The Oregon Shipping Group proposes to change this statutory language to direct that the Port of Portland promote the maritime, shipping, aviation, commercial and industrial interests of the people of the State of Oregon. Such language makes it clear that this major component of the statewide transportation network is responsible not just for furthering its own interests, but for furthering the commerce interests of the entire state. |
Container Shipping Survey While the Oregon Shipping Group is developing plans to establish an intermodal facility in Lebanon, Oregon, it is also working to have small container ships call at the Port of Coos Bay. The Oregon Shipping Group is gathering information as to the container volumes which users would be willing to ship through Lebanon and/or the Port of Coos Bay.
The intermodal facility will allow users to import and export goods through Lebanon by rail, and will allow users to ship domestically through Lebanon by rail. Container shipping via the Port of Coos Bay will be accomplished by utilizing the Coos Bay Rail Link. Ultimately, the goal will be to have a rail connection between the Lebanon intermodal facility and the Port of Coos Bay.
If the Oregon Shipping Group finds that there is an opportunity to move your goods through Lebanon or the Port of Coos Bay, the Oregon Shipping Group will contact you directly. The Oregon Shipping Group will not share your information with third parties other than as part of general volume totals without specific identifying information. Please answer the questions and send them back to kevin@oregonshippinggroup.com. A link to download the survey questionnaire is below: |