Over the last few months there have been significant developments surrounding the status of Silver Creek School.
The Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Children and Youth Services, and the Ministry of Infrastructure have worked together since June to enable the transfer of Silver Creek School to the province. Friends of Silver Creek School (FofSCS) have been working with Yvan Baker (MPP Etobicoke Centre), Ministry staff, The Etobicoke Children’s Centre (The ECC) and Silver Creek Pre-School (SCPS) to ensure that the Silver Creek School transfer does occur.
In these discussions, the future of McNicoll and Buttonwood Hill Schools also became part of the equation and the work involved addressed all three schools in finding long-term and sustainable solutions for the future.
On February 4, 2017 representatives from FofSCS, The Etobicoke Children’s Centre and Yvan Baker gave deputations at the TDSB Planning & Priorities Meeting. At this meeting, all parties requested that Trustees take action at the February 8, 2017 Trustee meeting to ensure that both The Etobicoke Children’s Centre and Silver Creek Pre-School remain on-site at Silver Creek School.
At the February 8, 2017 TDSB meeting after lengthy debate and discussion, Trustees voted Buttonwood Hill Public School surplus and referred to the Toronto Lands Corporation for sale. This action allows the TCDSB to purchase this property.
This vote will positively impact all three schools. The Buttonwood Hill School property remains in public hands for years to come and by allowing the Catholic Board to address its need for an elementary school in Central Etobicoke this will ensure that it will no longer need to purchase Silver Creek Public School.
The Government of Ontario will now be able to finalize its discussions as per process and regulations that both Silver Creek and McNicoll schools be circulated for sale as per Reg 444/98 which will allow the province to continue the process of purchasing the properties.
We want to thank all elected officials who have diligently and doggedly worked in moving things forward. A special note of thanks to Yvan Baker, MPP whose commitment has been unwavering over the last few months.
We are one step closer to ensuring programs for children with mental health issues, autism and special needs are provided a long term and sustainable solution at both Silver Creek and McNicoll schools.
To get updated on actions leading up to the February 8, 2017 vote visit www.friendsofscs.com .