Cub Scout Pack 375 September 2018 Newsletter |
It was great seeing so many people at our Family Picnic a few weeks ago! We hope you all had a fun time! Here is some new information and a few important reminders for all of our Pack 375 families. As always, feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Where do elves go to school? |
First Pack Meeting this Thursday |
Our first Pack Meeting will be this Thursday, September 20th at 6:30 PM at Good Shepherd Church. We plan to start right on time so that our young Scouts can get home at a good hour. |
Parents are strongly encouraged to stay for Pack meetings (parents of Lion and Tiger scouts must stay). |
Pack Meetings are a time to come together as a Pack and to celebrate our Scout's achievements. Parents are reminded that "A Scout is Courteous" and Scouts learn from the examples that their parents set. Please refrain from using cell phones during the meeting (except to take pictures). If you must use your phone, please leave the room. |
New Registration / Registration Renewal BSA Application All new Scouts must complete a BSA Youth Application to join the Pack. We will have paper copies available at the meeting, however if you want to fill it out ahead of time (recommended), you can download the application at the link below. Note that the PDF has the same form twice. It is not necessary to fill out both copies. Just the "Council Copy" will suffice. Returning Scouts DO NOT need to complete a new BSA Application. Pack 375 Order Form This is something new this year. Rather than having several stations for ordering scout books, t-shirts, paying dues, etc., we have condensed all of that on to one form that each family will fill out. The form is being finalized now and will be e-mailed out before the meeting. Each family will need to complete the form to register new scouts, renew returning scouts, order Class B shirts and to order Boy's Life*. The Order Forms will be collected by leaders at the conclusion of the Pack Meeting on Thursday. * Boy's Life is an optional, but highly recommended monthly magazine geared towards Scouts. It is full of stories, games, activities, jokes and informative articles relevant to Scouting. |
Payment Methods New this year - Pack 375 will be accepting payments via PayPal and we will be able to accept all major credit cards via Square. Of course, we will still accept cash and checks. We have added PayPal and Square as a convenience for Pack 375 families and to eliminate a barrier for our fundraising efforts. These conveniences come at a slight cost to the pack however. We are asking families who choose to pay via PayPal or with a credit card to please consider adding 3% to your total to help defray those costs. Note that our PayPal account will not be ready before our Pack Meeting on Thursday. If you would like to pay for the items on your Pack 375 Order Form via PayPal, please indicate that on your form and we will contact you once the account is ready. |
Popcorn Sale Trial's End Popcorn Order Forms were distributed at our Family Picnic, the sale started on September 1st and it is already off to a good start! Each Scout that attended the first Show & Sell at Sam's Club will receive a sales credit of $100 for each 2-hour shift that he or she attended. That means that the Scouts who stayed for 2 shifts (4 hours total) already have enough sales to throw a pie in the Cubmaster's face! There are still spaces available on our remaining Show & Sell sign-up's. Please visit our Show & Sell sign-up page for complete details and dates. Additional order forms will be available at the Pack meeting on Thursday. A few questions have come up that we would like to address: Q: Do we accept checks for popcorn? A: Yes! Please make checks payable to "BSA Pack 375." Q: Can we accept donations? A: Yes! However, per BSA guidelines, we may not solicit donations for the Pack. If we ask for a donation, it must be used for the "Popcorn for our Troops" fund. If someone offers a donation without us asking for it, it can go directly to the Pack or to the "Popcorn for our Troops" fund, depending on the intention of the donor. Q: Should we take payment at the time of order. A: There is no "rule" for this, however we DO recommend taking payment at the time of order. We like to think that everyone has the best intentions, however there are people out there who will order popcorn and then decline to accept it when Scouts attempt to collect their payment at the time of delivery. Q: Can the Special Edition Tye-Dye Pack 375 Class B shirts be purchased? A: No. This is a special incentive to recognize Scouts who go above and beyond in their fundraising efforts. Please see our 2018 Opening Newsletter for additional information regarding our Trail's End Popcorn Sale and our ongoing First Aid Kit sale. |
| It is critical that at least one parent from each family has an active account. We have created at least one parent account for each Scout, however many of them still need to be activated by the parents. For those of you who have not activated your account yet, you should have received an e-mail this past Sunday morning with an invitation. If you did not see it, please check your SPAM folder. If you still can not find it, please e-mail Joe Zanghi at |
Why is it important? - Starting soon, we will be using to send out all of our communications. If your account is not active, you may not receive critical information.
- The most up to date calendar information will be in Scoutbook
- Emergency contact information will be immediately available to leaders
- You can see your Scout's advancement progress!
What We Need From Parents After you have activated your account, please make sure that your contact information (cell phone, home phone, e-mail address, and physical address) is correct. This is critical since it will be the first place leaders look in the event of an emergency or they need to get a message out quickly. |
Bonus Points Please consider uploading a picture of your Scout to their profile, and a picture of you to your profile. This will help new leaders learn everyone's name and face. The pictures will only be visible to leaders, so hopefully that will alleviate any privacy concerns. |
Volunteers Needed Betsy Ross We are looking for someone to make flags for each of our Dens. This could be as simple as white felt with the Den name or as artistic as you desire! Pinewood Derby Pitt Crew and Pitt Crew Leader We are looking for some parents to help prepare for our Pinewood Derby competition in February. Blue & Gold Committee We are looking for a group of parents to organize our annual Blue & Gold Banquet in March If you are interested in any of these positions, or have any questions about them, please see Joe Zanghi. |
Calendar Here is an updated list of Pack 375 meetings and events for the coming year. Information for Den meetings and events will be coming from your Den Leaders. There have been some changes to the calendar since the last newsletter. These changes are highlighted in RED. |
2018 September - Thursday, September 20th - 6:30 PM - Pack Meeting @ Good Shepherd Church
- Friday, September 21st - Saturday September 22nd - Order of Arrow Pow Wow
- Sunday, September 30th - 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM - Popcorn Show & Sell @ Lowe's
October - Saturday, October 13th - 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM - Popcorn Show & Sell @ Sam's Club
- Monday, October 15th - Haunted Trail with Troop 375 - Details to follow
- Thursday, October 25th - 6:30 PM -Pack Meeting @ Good Shepherd Church
- Saturday or Sunday, October 27th or 28th - Scouting for Food Flyer distribution
November - Saturday, November 3rd - Scouting for Food pickup
- Thursday, November 15th - 6:30 PM -Pack Meeting @ Good Shepherd Church
December - PSU Basketball Game - TBD - We are looking for someone to coordinate this.
- Pack Meeting TBD @ Good Shepherd Church
2019 January - Thursday, January 17th - 6:30 - Pack Meeting @ Good Shepherd Church
- Friday, January 18th - Sunday, January 20th - Winter Camping @ Seven Mountains Scout Camp
- Saturday, January 26th - Klondike Derby @ Seven Mountains Scout Camp
February March - Thursday, March 21st - 6:00 PM - Blue & Gold and Crossover Ceremony @ Good Shepherd Church
April - Thursday, April 25th - 6:30 PM - Pack Meeting @ Good Shepherd Church
- Monday, April 22nd - Earth Day Cleanups - Schedule TBD individually by Den
May - Friday, May 3rd - Sunday, May 5th - Juniata Valley Council 95th Anniversary Camporee
- Thursday, May 16th - Pack Meeting & Advancement Ceremony
June Monday, June 17th - Friday, June 21st - Cub Scout Day Camp & Family Camp @ Seven Mountains Scout Camp
July Sunday, July 21st - Thursday, July 25th: Webelos Resident Camp @ Seven Mountains Scout Camp