Fall Camporee
Friday, October 28th - Sunday October 30th
Seven Mountains Scout Camp
227 Sand Mountain Road
Spring Mills, PA
Cub Scout Pack 375 will be joining area Scouts for Fall Camporee at Seven Mountains Scout Camp for a weekend of fun—filled with camping, cook-outs, campfires, and yes...Football! Football is a sport that requires great team-work, physical strength and agility, mental toughness, as well as careful planning and strategy—many of the same qualities that are emphasized in Scouting. The Largest Football Combine Competition will use football-themed activities to provide opportunities for Webelos and Scouts to interact and work together on team-building exercises designed to challenge both physical abilities and knowledge of Scouting. At this event, each Patrol or group will put their skills and abilities to the test in six different challenges while striving to accumulate the greatest number of points possible.
Webelos who wish to participate can plan to arrive on Friday and stay through Sunday. Webelos may stay without a parent. Tigers, Wolves, and Bears are welcome to attend the Day Camp portion without a parent, however, if they wish to spend the night on Saturday, a parent must be present. A separate email along with a sign-up will be sent to parents separately in the coming week. Those wishing to attend Fall Camporee will be asked to cover the cost of this event as follows:
Webelos Friday - Sunday:
$18/per person
Cub Scout Saturday's Day program Only:
$10/per person w/tailgate dinner
$5 /per person w/out tailgate dinner
Adult/Guest Tailgate Dinner Admission:
$ 8.00 per person