Welcome to the 3rd edition of Tassie eNews |
The Tassie eNews newsletter will be produced on a regular basis with the intention of keeping all our Tasmanian members up-to-date with all relevant nursery and garden industry information. We encourage all our members to share with us any news, story ideas, innovations and information concerning the nursery and garden industry. We welcome input from all members, and we are here to assist you in promoting information through our professional network. |
What's on this issue - NGIT Annual General Meeting
- Introduction - Meet your NGIT Vice President
- Biosecurity Alert - Blueberry Rust
- Pests and Diseases Workshop
- Springtime Webinars
- HIA Leadership Opportunities
- Farm Extension Survey
- Structure Review Consulation Phase
- NGIA Young Leaders
- 2017 Nursery Trade Register
- Fair Work Commission Award Update
- NGIT Trade Mark Information
- Warratah Launceston Trade Show
- In Memorium
- Advertising Feature
- Advertise with us!
- Positions Vacant
- Like us on Facebook
- Check out our new Website
NGIT Annual General Meeting Thursday 15th September 10am @ the Kentish Hotel 60 High Street, Oatlands All Nursery and Garden Industry of Tasmania members are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting. Light refreshments will be provided - to assist with catering we would appreciate your RSVP. |
Download a copy of the previous 2015 AGM Minutes below. |
NGIT Committee Member Profile |
Introducing NGIT's Vice President - Joe Kerin Joe Kerin began working full time in the family business ten years ago; however growing up next door to the nursery, Joe had developed a keen interest in the nursery industry from an early age. Originally selected to receive a scholarship with the Royal Horticultural Society, Joe eventually accepted an internship offered by the Ohio State University and worked for a year on a large scale production nursery in Monterey, California. With the support of his parents, Joe has now taken over the running of Granton Plants. Managing a production nursery can be a challenging job, not leaving a lot of time for extra curricular activities, however Joe still manages to play hockey, bushwalk and travel whenever he can. |
Blueberry Rust Detection Biosecurity Tasmania and industry are responding to a detection of blueberry rust on a property in the State’s north. A commercial grower notified Biosecurity Tasmania of the suspect plants earlier this week and testing by DPIPWE’s Plant Health Laboratories has confirmed the disease in six of 11 samples from the site. The grower is working with Biosecurity Tasmania and has put measures in place to reduce the risk of further movement of the plant fungal disease. A systematic survey of the property to identify where the disease is present is also being undertaken. As part of the response a range of quarantine and hygiene measures have been identified and implemented with the grower to reduce the risk of further movement of the disease. Biosecurity Tasmania will also be undertaking surveillance on properties outside of this site to determine if it is present on other properties with blueberry plants within a 20 kilometre radius. Undertaking that surveillance and understanding the presence of blueberry rust is a critical first step to identify the next management actions required to respond to the disease. At this stage the cause of the detection had not been identified but Biosecurity Tasmania will work with the grower to see if the source can be identified. DPIPWE also has notified interstate plant health authorities to ensure they are aware of the presence of the disease in the State. Anyone with blueberry plants is encouraged to remain vigilant for evidence of the disease and report any unusual signs on blueberry plants to Biosecurity Tasmania on the plants and diseases hotline 1800 084 881. Further information about blueberry rust can be found on the DPIPWE website: http://dpipwe.tas.gov.au/biosecurity/plant-biosecurity/pests-and-diseases/blueberry-rust |
Pests and Diseases Workshop Registration Crop Monitoring and Advanced IPM NGIT will be hosting a Pests and Diseases Workshop for Members and Non-Members on Thursday 17th November at Westland Nurseries, 118 Surf Road, Seven Mile Beach commencing at 9am running through to 4pm. Morning tea and lunch will be provided. Numbers are limited so it is advised to book early. To register: go to our Workshops page www.ngitas.com.au |
A series of webinars is being run to help production nursery professionals more efficiently produce plants free of pests and diseases and avoid disease outbreaks. The training is being offerd as part of the levy funded project 'Building the resilience and on-farm biosecurity capacity of the Australian production nursery industry', and will add to a suite of web-based resources being developed. Each 1-hour webinar will focus on specific areas concerning pest and disease management, with a half hour presentation, and half an hour to ask questions of the expert presenters. - Webinar #1: Insect pests vs beneficials
- Webinar #2: Insects and pesticides
- Webinar #3: Fungal vs bacterial leaf spots
- Webinar #4: Leaf spots and pesticides
For further information and how to register for each event please visit Your Levy @ Work |
Now Open: Leadership opportunities for Aussie Horticulture businesses HIA is calling for businesses on all levels of the production and supply chain to participate in a new program which aims to strengthen the industry by attracting the next generation of employees. Under the program, businesses will be linked with the nation's leading final-year university students from a range of disciplines ranging from engineering to commerce. marketing and agriculture. Selected students will undertake an internship with the host business, working on a horticulture-focussed project that meets the need of the host business and the student's degree requirements. For full details follow this link to HIA's Media Release |
NGIA has asked us to forward on a link to a national survey of farmers on the topic of agricultural extension. This survey is being conducted as part of the Federal Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, Dairy Australia, Rural Research & Development Corporation for Profit Program. NGIA encourages all grower members to participate and voice your opinions You are invited to participate in a research project that aims to better understand farmers' current and future needs for extension services that support on-farm decision making relating to profitability and productivity. Your input on this topic is extremely important and we value your opinion. Follow this link to complete the survey. |
NGIA Conclusion of Structure Review Consultation Phase |
2017 Nursery Trade Register NGIA is calling for all Tasmanian members to update their current information for inclusion in the 2017 publication of the Nursery Trade Register. The nursery industry Trade Register features around 1400 of Australia's leading nursery industry businesses. As a member of NGIT you receive a free listing in this publication. Please check all current details and advise NGIT of any changes. Please note that company descriptions, it must be no more than 75 words. This information is required by the 22nd September, 2016. Please don't miss our deadline by forwarding any changes of information to admin@ngitas.com.au. |
NGIA Young Leaders in Horticulture In case you missed this on our Facebook page (please like us) - check out our fantastic Young Leaders in Horticulture. Featured in this series of videos produced by NGIA is Tasmanian Sarah Peacock from Westland Nurseries in Southern Tasmania. Sarah tells us how and why she became involved in the industry and sees great opportunities for the future of horticulture as a career. |
Trade Mark Expiry Information We have been informed that our registered Trade Mark - Enviro-Wise Garden Centre is due for renewal and expires in June 2017.
We would like to inform members that due to the high cost of renewal NGIT are not considering renewing this registration unless any of our members have invested heavily in the use of this particular Trade Mark throughout their business marketing.
For further information or to discuss your options please contact admin@ngitas.com.au |
Fair Work Australia Update Horticulture Pay Award The Horticulture Award 2010 Pay Guide is now available to download.
The minimum wages and condition an employee is entitled to are set out in awards. Awards don't apply when a business has an enterprise agreement or another registered agreement and the employee is covered by it.
This is effective from Friday 1st July, 2016 as published at the Fair Work Commission
The Centre for Tasmanian Industry acts as a Business Development Consultant for NGIT members. All NGIT Members receive: FREE membership with CTI (valued @ $605 inc GST) Access to our phone advice line or face-to-face meeting with consultants. A substantial discount on services and rates. Access to CTI as your Industrial Advocate with Fair Work Australia.
Some important information on Record Keeping from our friends at CTI Did you know that employers must keep time and wages records for at least seven years? The records cannot be changed unless that change is to correct an error or the information is false or misleading. The information kept must cover general employee details, pay, leave, hours of work, superannuation contributions, individual flexibility agreements, guarantee of earnings and ending of employment. Poor record keeping can result in significant fines or backpay. Remember that TasBuild will require longer record keeping obligations. Transfer of business Where there has been a transfer of business, the record keeping can be difficult as often the old and new employers require employee information, therefore a consultation process is vital. For further information, take advantage of your NGIT membership and contact the Centre for Tasmanian Industry today to assist you with your specific needs on 03 6244 8881 or email admin@centretasindustry.com |
In Memorium Vale Thomas Lomer from Legana Plants Plus January 14, 1961 - July 25, 2016 The committee and NGIT members would like to express their sincere sympathy to Tom's family and friends on his passing. |
Positions Vacant Don't forget you are most welcome to advertise any 'Positions Vacant' with us - Tassie eNews is sent out to members and Tafe students all around Tasmania. We will even load the vacancy up onto our website and share it on our Facebook page. It's a great way to help someone find a position within the industry. Just contact admin@ngitas.com.au with the details. |
Waratah Launceston Trade Show 21st July Waratah Launceston's 14th annual successful Trade Show launched into spring by showcasing over 54 stores, representing a mixture of Tasmanian and interstate businesses, displaying an impressive and varied range of products aimed at the Tasmanian market. Representatives from Searles, Gardentrend, Fiskars, Garden City Plastics, Neutrog, Day 1 Envisions, Takasho, Multicrop, Gasmate, Sloggers, Decor, Bio Active Soils, along with products from the Gardeners Friend range and the florist gift range. The day was a huge success and Waratah Launceston looks forward to a very good season ahead. Jason and staff from Waratah Launceston would like to thank all who attended and their principle suppliers for their continued support. Jason Jones Waratah Launceston. |
CLONEX Rooting Hormone Gel available from Waratah Wholesale Tasmania CLONEX is a high performance rooting compound. It is a tenacious gel, which will remain in contact around the stem, sealing the cut tissue and supplying the hormones needed to promote root cell development and vitamins to protect the delicate new root tissue. Contact your local Tasmanian distributor, Waratah Wholesale 1 Tara St, South Hobart. P: 03 6223 7200 E: sales@waratahtas.com.au |
Advertise with NGIT Tassie eNews Tassie eNews is one of NGIT's key methods of communication that is delivered statewide to all our member's in-boxes regularly. If you have an event, training course or product you would like to promote, we invite you to take advantage of to advertise with us for FREE. We extend this offer of FREE advertsing space to all our NGIT members for up to 4 advertising spaces per year*. For further information please contact Kay Carney @ admin@ngitas.com.au *Terms and conditions do apply. All advertisements must be content appropriate to the nursery and garden industry and will undergo approval by NGIT Administration. Non-Members are welcome to apply for advertising space for a nominal fee. |
Have you visited NGIT's new website |
Our new website is for NGIT members This Newsletter and previous editions along with everything you need to know about what is happening in your industry is available on our new NGIT website. If you haven't already - take a tour - we'd love your feedback. www.ngitas.com.au |
NGIT Facebook Page Keep up to date with what is happening in your industry. Facebook is a great way for us to keep in touch with our members - it's casual and informal but can also be very informative We invite all NGIT members and even non-members to 'Like' our Facebook page. So please Like Us on Facebook |
Once again - thank you to all our members for taking the time to read through our Spring Edition of NGIT's Tassie eNews - we look forward to your feedback, story ideas and the sharing of information. |