Dear Friends, Empty Frames Initiative is officially 2 years old! This past year has had many blessings - we've been able to have our first large project in collaboration with SaySo, we've created partnerships with local churches and leaders and we've been able to visit facilities with similar dreams in two other countries. Thank you for your partnership over this past year! We are moving forward and continue to pursue the dream God has given us of opening an aging out facility for youth in North Carolina. Here they will receive counseling, training in life skills, community, and access to the gospel. |
A few details on the sites we visited internationally: |
China: at Shepherds Field Children's village youth with disabilities are given the opportunity to thrive. This facility has a remarkable 95% adoption rate (huge)! They have been in the process of opening a wing of their campus for youth who "age out" of the system and can no longer be adopted. As they work through the details of this space and curriculum adaptations for youth with disabilities they hope to take in more children near the age-out limit (in China you can no longer be adopted after age 14 and you must exit the system between 16-18). | | |
Russia: The Harbor (we've mentioned them briefly before) is 17 years strong, supporting youth who age out of Russian orphanages and equipping them to create and pursue their goals. They have residential homes for young adults who are out of care and they have a vocational training center where youth who are still in orphanages can come and learn different skills. | | |
1. The Lord is able. We're seeing such unique things in this journey - almost unheard of things in terms of ministry and reconciliation. All glory to God. He is calling the church to walk out this ministry and the answer is being heard throughout the world. |
Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the LORD, The Creator of the ends of the earth, Neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable. -Isaiah 40:28 |
And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us;" -Acts 17:26-27 |
2. There is sorrow and joy in this field. I've seen / learned of situations beyond control or understanding, abuses that can't be fathomed and hurts that my soul can barely process. The further I pursue the Lord and what He lays on my heart the more I see the brokenness of this time. Simultaneously, I see His sovereignty and His heart that all should come to know Him. He is good. Maranatha. |
1. Prayers - even now I just ask that you would pray if you're meant to be involved with Empty Frames Initiative in the coming year. We will always need help, this project only moves forward as the Lord provides and the church continues to say "yes". |
2. Giving - our team is praying for and pursuing provision for our first site. There is enormous potential for a space here in Raleigh, North Carolina and we continue to move forward believing that God has good plans here. |
Thank you so much again for your love and support of Empty Frames Initiative! We look forward to this coming year and are thankful for all that has happened so far! |
(If you're a details person and would like to talk please feel free to shoot us an email! We would love to connect and talk about any questions you may have!) |