Chasing growth, humor, and grace with Dr. Glenn Doyle |
WEEKLY RECAP October 26th - November 1st, 2019 |
Highlights from the Blog and Facebook |
| | Saturday, October 26th (AM) Our little victories and successes are what we have to build on if we ever hope to build bigger victories and more important successes. | | |
| | Saturday, October 26th (PM) Your brain is very good at telling you you "should" do things. It's less good at giving you reasons "why." | | |
| | Sunday, October 27th (AM) You don't make self-defeating choices because you're evil. You don't make those choices because you're stupid. You make self-defeating choices sometimes because you want to feel better...and those choices offer you what seems to be the opportunity to feel better... | | |
| | Sunday, October 27th (PM) No amount of self-hate is going to change you in a positive way. Self-hate is not "tough love." Berating yourself does not encourage positive change. All yelling at yourself does is create a toxic environment inside your own mind and heart. | | |
| | Monday, October 28th (AM) I think everybody makes history. I don't think you have to be a once-in-a-generation entrepreneur, a political leader, or a celebrity to make an impact. I don't think you have to live a life that is "extraordinary" by anybody else's standards. EVERYBODY impacts other people. | | |
| | Monday, October 28th (PM) Don't confuse what you're feeling with what you are. You can feel like a failure. It doesn't mean you're a failure. You can feel lots of things: insecure, petty, envious. It doesn't mean that those things are fundamentally who or what you are. | | |
| | Tuesday, October 29th (Blog) "APPROVAL ADDICTION LIVES UP TO ITS NAME." If your plan for building a life of happiness and satisfaction is to please everyone else - or, at least, avoid displeasing everyone else - there are a few things you should know. One, it’s not going to work. | | |
| | Tuesday, October 29th (PM) Don't get bullied into making decisions you're not ready to make yet, by someone telling you to "SEIZE THE MOMENT!" Yes, sometimes we need to seize the moment. But most problems in our world do not result from people not "SEIZING THE MOMENT!" Most problems in people's lives result in them doing things impulsively. Not thinking them through. | | |
| | Wednesday, October 30th (AM) Many people mistakenly think that we'll be magically motivated to do things that are good for us by default. That's not true. We need to intentionally cultivate the SKILL of focusing on the aspects of a task or a goal that will stoke our motivation. It won't happen by accident. | | |
| | Wednesday, October 30th (PM) Sometimes it's only after someone has been knocked down a few times (or a few dozen times), that they're willing to try out tools and skills that they wouldn't have even considered once upon a time. You can save yourself a few knockdowns by being open to as many therapeutic tools and skills as possible. | | |
| | Thursday, October 31st (Blog): “GRIEVING TAKES AS LONG AS IT TAKES, AND IT'S AS HARD AS IT IS.” We grieve when we lose well-established relationships or experience changes in well-entrenched life patterns. Grief is the mind’s and the body’s way of processing loss. | | |
| | Thursday, October 31st (PM) Yup, you're not "normal." You're out of the "norm." So what? In case you haven't noticed, the "norm" isn't that great. Nobody wants to endure trauma. Nobody wants to struggle with addiction. Nobody wants a psychiatric diagnosis. But if that's what's on your plate? That's what's on your plate. | | |
| | Friday, November 1st (AM) Psychology has a reputation of encouraging that "ah-ha!" moment of insight, wherein you realize that something you've believed just isn't true, and you quit believing it all at once. It doesn't work like that. | | |
| | Friday, November 1st (PM) It costs you zero dollars to treat yourself with respect and kindness. You incur zero risk, treating yourself with respect and kindness. You have nothing to lose, treating yourself with respect and kindness. | | |
Newsletter created by Susan Michelle. |