Cub Scout Pack 375 October 2019 Newsletter |
OK, so technically it's not October anymore, but Halloween decorations are still up and it's really too early for a November newsletter, so this is officially the October Newsletter. Thank you to everyone who joined us at the Fall Camporee and Fall Hike a couple of weeks ago. We had, by far, the largest group at the camporee and I think we pulled it off like pros! Based on all of the feedback and my observations, it seems that everyone had a great time, we had plenty of good food and were overall well prepared. Thank you to all of the parents who pitched in to help with preparing meals, serving food, cleaning up after meals and keeping our Scouts safe. Our Pack is extremely fortunate to have such an awesome group of Scouts, siblings, parents and leaders! What do you call wood when it’s scared? |
Scouting for Food Saturday, November 2nd, 2019 & Saturday, November 9th, 2019 |
Scouting for Food is an annual, nation-wide service project that Boy Scouts of America has been participating in for decades. Local food banks depend on our support to stock their shelves before the busy holiday season. We ask that all families who are able to please participate in this important community service. |
Door Hanger Distribution Saturday, November 2nd, 2019 We will distribute "door hangers" to area houses to let them know about the Scouting for Food collection. Traditionally this is done on Saturday morning a week before the collection, however timing on this portion is flexible. Door wanglers can also be hung Sunday. If you are able, please wear Class A uniforms while distributing the door hangers. Please remember, "A Scout is Courteous." Please stay on driveways & sidewalks. Avoid walking on grass and stay out of flower beds and landscaping. You should have already received packets of door hangers at the October Pack Meeting or from your Den Leader. If not, please contact your Den Leader to see where they may need help. Food Collection Saturday, November 9th, 2019 - Starting at 9:00 AM Food should be collected from the same houses that families & dens distributed door hangers to on 11/2. If you are unable to do so, please find another family that can cover your route. Please start collecting at 9:00 AM and bring all food collected to Gray's United Methodist Church at 5687 Buffalo Run Rd. If you have any sturdy boxes, please bring them along to use for food sorting and transporting. Scouts and families are also encouraged to stay at our collection center to sort food before it gets transported to the food bank. With lots of hands on-deck, the work goes fast. If you are able, please wear Class A uniforms while distributing the door hangers. Please remember, "A Scout is Courteous." Please stay on driveways & sidewalks. Avoid walking on grass and stay out of flower beds and landscaping. Reporting Hours It is extremely important that we track and report hours spent on all service projects. This information is used by the Pack when we apply for our Journey to Excellence, and used by our Council when applying for grants and funding. In addition, if tracked in Scoutbook, you will have a record of all of the service hours worked by your Scout during their time in Scouting. By the time they earn their Eagle Scout award, that number will be truly impressive! Unfortunately, Reporting Hours is a 2-Step Process, but it is important that both steps must be completed at the conclusion of Scouting for Food. Step 1: Report the number of people and hours from your family that worked using the following form. This information is needed for the Pack to report our hours to BSA. Step 2: Record the number of hours your Scout(s) worked in Scoutbook. This is where the Scout's service history will be retained throughout their Scouting career. Parents can also track their hours if desired. Please see the Scoutbook Tip at the end of this newsletter for instructions for recording service in Scoutbook. |
We are finalizing the details of our Pack 375 "Spirit Store" and will be sending out a link to purchase items very soon. The logo to the left is the preliminary design that will be embroidered on hats, polo shirts and fleece jackets. The same design, except in one color, will be used on the front of t-shirts and hoodies. |
Pack Meeting Change I am working on some revised plans to make our Pack Meetings more active for the Scouts and to eliminate most of the time sitting and listening. If it has been a while since you have attended a Pack Meeting, please be sure to attend our November Pack Meeting at 6:30 in the Parish Hall of Good Shepherd Church. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised! |
Thank you to everyone who participated in our 2019 popcorn sale! Thanks to all your hard work, we had a total of $20,502.13 in sales and donations! Great job everyone! If a new format to the Pack Meetings was not enough motivation to come, this preview of things to come might entice a good turn out to our November Pack Meeting! |
Popcorn Pick-Up Important information for families who ordered popcorn: I will be picking up our popcorn order from the Council on Thursday, 11/7 and will have it available for pick-up starting Friday, 11/8. If you will be participating in Scouting for Food, you could stop by to pick it up afterwords since I live right down the street from the church. I would like all popcorn picked up no later than Sunday, 11/9. Popcorn will be picked up at my house: 1290 Deerbrook Dr., Port Matilda. Please e-mail me at to make arrangements for pick-up. Popcorn Prizes Assuming they come in on time, popcorn prizes will be distributed at the December Pack Meeting. Popcorn Money Paying our bill to the Council is the last remaining item we need to complete in order to receive our bonus commission. Too do that, we need all families to pay for any popcorn they ordered no later than November 20th (our November Pack Meeting). Payments should be in a sealed envelope with the Scouts name clearly written on the envelope. If there are multiple Scouts in the family who had popcorn orders, please submit a separate envelop and payment for each Scout. All checks should be made payable to "BSA Pack 375." Cash should be flattened, in denomination order and facing the same direction. Even better would be a check from the Scout's family to cover the cash collected. |
Fundraising Wednesday, November 6th - all day - Moe's Southwest Grill - Pack 375 Fundraiser - No flyer needed so tell all your local family and friends! Sunday, November 10th - any time - Pack 375 Marianna's Hoagie Orders due to Dana Ollendyke. Hoagies are $8 and pizzas are $9. Deliver your order form and checks (made out to BSA Pack 375) to Dana Ollendyke. A box will be available on her porch for your order. 151 Mckivison Ct, 2 blocks behind Lowe's. You can also email your order and Paypal the money if you'd like ( Mariana's Order Form Wednesday, November 20th - 4:30-7:30 pm - Marianna's Hoagie Delivery at Good Shepherd Church. Tables will be available if you would like to eat your hoagies before the 6:30pm Pack meeting. Wednesday, December 18th Way Fruit Farm fundraiser delivery. More info to come soon! |
Tip of the Month Recording Service Hours Please log your Scout's service hours in Scoutbook each time they complete a Service Project. |
- Log into
- Click on "My Dashboard"
- If "My Family" is not visible (with your Scout(s) listed), click on "Administration"
- Click on the name of the Scout
- After your Scout's account loads, scroll to the bottom section under "Awards"
- Click on "Scout's Service Log"
- Click on "+ Add"
- Complete the form and then click "Update"
Note that if previous service hours are not shown, they can be added to Scoutbook retroactively. Adults wishing to track their own service hours can also do so in Scoutbook. Follow the same instructions except in Step 4, click on "My Account" instead of your Scout's name. |
Calendar Here is an updated list of Pack 375 meetings and events for the coming year. Information for Den meetings and events will be coming from your Den Leaders. |
November - Sat, Nov 2 or Sun, Nov 3 - Scouting for Food Flyer Distribution (schedule and location to be announced by your Den Leader)
- Sat, Nov 09, 8:00am - Scouting For Food Pick-Up
- Wed, Nov 20, 6:30pm - Pack 375 - November Pack Meeting
- Wed, Nov 20, following Pack Meeting - Committee Meeting
December - Sat, Dec 7, 9:00am - 1:00pm - Scout Shop Open House & Holiday Sale
- Wed, Dec 18, 6:30pm - Pack 375 - December Pack Meeting
January, 2020 - Wed, Jan 15, 6:30pm - January Pack Meeting
- Wed, Jan 15, following Pack Meeting- Committee Meeting
- Fri, Jan 17 - Sun, Jan 19 - Winter Camping - Seven Mountains Scout Camp
February - Wed, Feb 19, 6:00pm - Blue & Gold Banquet & Crossover Ceremony
- TBD - Pack Activity
March - Wed, Mar 18, 6:30pm - March Pack Meeting
- Wed, Mar 18, following Pack Meeting- Committee Meeting
- TBD - Pinewood Derby
April - Wed, Apr 15, 6:30pm - April Pack Meeting
May - Wed, May 20, 6:30pm - Advancement Ceremony - Gray's United Methodist Church
June - Mon, Jun 15 - Fri, Jun 19 - Cub Scout Day Camp & Family Camp
July - TBD - Webelos Resident Camp
Contact Information Cubmaster - Joe Zanghi (814) 862-9616 |