Wat Nawamin Retreat!!
Ven. Dhammadipa has the privilege to be invited to instruct at a 7-day retreat at Wat Nawamin in Raynham, MA. Wat Nawamin was built and named in dedication to the late King of Thailand, King Bhumibol the Great, who was born in Cambridge, MA, in 1927. It is currently the largest Thai temple outside of Thailand, which opened its door to public in 2014. Space for this retreat is limited, register now!!
法曜法師很榮幸地被邀請至 Wat Nawamin (亦稱麻州泰皇寺) 教導七日禪修。Wat Nawamin 以圓寂的泰皇拉瑪九世蒲美蓬大帝命名,以紀念泰皇在1927年於麻州出生,是目前在泰國境外的最大泰國寺院,於2014年竣工。此禪修的名額有限,有興趣參與的學員請儘快報名!