400 Years of The Rosycross
A new online course
Who are the Rosicrucians?
In the years 1614, 1615 and 1616 three very unique manifestos called "The Secrets of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood” were published in southern Germany.
These manifestos are called:
- The Call of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood,
- The Confession of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood and
- The Alchemical Wedding of Christian Rosycross.
In veiled language they announce a future period in the development of humanity in which "the world will be given an influx of truth and light."
These writings have brought a Europe in such turmoil that in order to escape persecution, the first Rosicrucians were often forced to do their work in secret. The Rosicrucians no longer turned their arrows on the prevailing order; they chose to devote their lives to realize the entirely new order of humanity which they knew that was coming. The Rosicrucians state that man in his present state is not truly "alive".
That period has now, 400 years later, arrived. We know this as the Aquarius Era in which everything that is or was hidden will be revealed and made visible to everyone.
The Aquarius Era is a phase of overall reform, a major period of vibrational increase, of unmasking and of dematerialization of our earth and everything that lives on it including the perishable bodies of us, humans.
The Rosicrucian philosophy proposes that every human being as a "small cosmos" has the choice whether or not to cooperate with the inevitable cosmic process of transformation. This alchemical process is like a "wedding" in which the original Spirit, a new Soul and the human personality will alchemically be merged into a higher unity.
This development is accompanied by the Brotherhood of Life with an influx of the light of the Gnosis so that anyone who so desires, can elevate himself into a state of "true life", consciously and out of personal choice.
A Rosicrucian tries to apply this sacred alchemy, converting the lower into the higher, in his or her daily life. No longer in the secret, but openly.
And every present day man is called to participate in his/her transformation, to be a Rosicrucian.
On the occasion of "400 years of Rosycross", we provide you with joy the new 5-module online multimedia course.
This 10 week course starts on February 9, 2015 and will be open for enrollment the whole year 2015.
1. You can sign up by sending an email with your name and surname to: info@goldenrosycross.ie
2. You will then receive (always the following Monday) a link to your first lesson, consisting of written text and an audio file. You can read your lessons and listen at a time compatible with your agenda, as often as you want and at a pace that best suits your abilities.
You are free to share this link with others who you think are interested.
3. If you wish, you can make an appointment via Skype with one of the course facilitators to go deeper on topics of the course or of the Rosycross in general, in an individual session.
4. You will receive your new course material fortnightly, on a Monday.
5. You will be invited to special course meetings that are regularly held in Dublin and Cork.
6. Upon completion of this course the Rosycross provides various possibilities to further orientation.
For more information please check our website on http://www.goldenrosycross.ie/#!inner-source-course/c1fev
We look forward to receiving your application and make you familiar with the Rosycross.
Best wishes,
Lectorium Rosicrucianum